Minecraft mods are exactly as they are described: modifications to Minecraft.
While Minecraft is a terrific game on its own, many players enjoy adding mods to their game for more excitement and variety.
Each mod is unique in its own way. Some mods are very simple, only adding an FPS boost to the game, while others are more complicated, adding entirely new features to the game.
Whether someone only wants to add a single new block to the game or wants an entirely new experience, this list will have a mod for everyone.
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Best Minecraft mods for 1.16
#5 Biomes O' Plenty

Biomes O' Plenty has been around since 2012, and there is a reason it has been in the Minecraft universe for so long.
Biomes O' Plenty is a wonderful mod that adds new and improved biomes to your game. This mod adds new flowers, trees, building blocks and more to Minecraft. It is definitely worth checking out.
Download Biomes O' Plenty here.
#4 Lucky Blocks

Lucky blocks are a fun addition to Minecraft. The concept is simple; If you break a lucky block, random items or mobs will drop. These items could be lucky or unlucky.
Diamond blocks could pop out of a lucky block or a lava trap can spawn right below your character.
#3 Minecraft Comes Alive

Minecraft Comes Alive is an amazing mod with endless possibilities. This mod replaces villagers with normal Minecraft characters, which have hundreds of unique skins.
Players can interact with these characters and form meaningful relationships, marriages, and even have children.
Download Minecraft Comes Alive here.
#2 Useful Backpacks

Useful Backpacks is a simple mod that adds something players have dreamed of for years: more inventory space.
Three different types of backpacks can be crafted in this mod, each giving you different levels of extra inventory space.
Download Useful Backpacks here.
#1 Optifine

Optifine is a mod almost every Minecraft player has heard of, and for good reason. Optifine has many different uses, including boosting FPS, built-in shaders, and capes. This is truly a mod that all players should have.
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