Bedwars is a newer Minecraft game mode that has caught the attention of players and YouTubers alike. There are quite a few mods out there that make the Bedwars experience better and easier.
Bedwars can be found on many popular servers and is easily the most popular Minecraft game mode right now. There are quite a few PvP mods out there that make the Bedwars experience for players more memorable.
Different mods such as click per second counters, lag reducers, and more can be added to Minecraft. This article shares a compiled a list of some of the best Mods for Bedwars.
Note: Players should be aware that any Bedwars server can make certain mods punishable at their own discretion, so make sure to check the rules before logging on to servers with these mods installed.
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Top 5 mods for Bedwars in Minecraft
#5 - Optifine

Optifine is a staple of Minecraft. Millions of players use Optifine each day, and it is quite a simple mod. The main use of this mod is to reduce lag spikes and increase frames per second, but there are a lot of smaller features that are useful as well.
Optifine is free for everyone to use, but players that donate receive an in-game cape that all other players using Optifine can see. It also includes a built-in shaders folder, which makes adding shaders to Minecraft a lot easier.
Optifine is available for download here.
#4 - Keystrokes

The Keystrokes mod is an amazing mod for all types of Bedwars players. It adds key information like which key they are pressing, ping, and much more to Minecraft, so players can see more info without leaving their game.
Keystrokes is available for download here.
#3 - Better PvP

The Better PvP mod adds tons of features to Minecraft that will make playing Bedwars easier and more fun. Some features that are added include an interface that shows active potions, armor information, easier sprinting, fast eating, and more.
Better PvP can be downloaded here.
#2 - LabyMod

In the past few years, LabyMod has gained tons of popularity. It has an abundance of features, and not only features that are useful for playing Bedwars, but cosmetics which players can further customize their character.
Features that LabyMod has include 1.7 animations, frames per second counter, date, direction, coordinates, and more, all displayed on the player's Minecraft screen. LabyMod is a truly versatile mod that would benefit every Minecraft player.
LabyMod can be downloaded here.
#1 - 5zig

5zig is a mod that has been around the Minecraft community for many years now, gaining more traction every day. It has a variety of added features, including a friends list, kill counter, clicks per second counter, kill-streak display, capes, Discord integration, and more.
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