Minecraft is a game where players can create almost anything they can imagine. With huge worlds to explore and extensive builds, sometimes the game can push even the most powerful PCs to their limits.
When this happens, gamers may want to think about improving their FPS to ensure a much smoother gaming experience. FPS (frames per second) is a measure of how well a game runs on a computer. The higher the FPS, the smoother the game will run. Minecraft players will want to make sure they have a high FPS so they can enjoy the game to its fullest.
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Improve FPS in Minecraft using these mods
There are a few things that players can do to improve their FPS, such as updating their graphics drivers and making sure that their computer meets the minimum system requirements for the game. Players looking to get the most out of Minecraft should take a little time to improve their FPS.
One of the best ways to improve FPS is with mods. But with so many mods out there, it can be difficult to find which ones are the best. Here are the top five mods players can use to increase their FPS in Minecraft.
1) Optifine
Optifine is one of the most popular mods for Minecraft, and for a good reason. It can dramatically improve a player's FPS and provides many other features and quality-of-life improvements.
Optifine optimizes the game settings and provides players with options to customize their gaming experience. It also adds some graphical enhancements and fixes some bugs. Overall, Optifine is a great mod that can help players get the most out of their Minecraft experience.
2) Fastcraft
There are a few different ways to improve your FPS in Minecraft, and one of them is to install Fastcraft. This mod speeds up the game by caching resources and making some changes to the way the game runs. It reportedly gives players a significant boost in FPS, especially on older computers.
In addition, Fastcraft offers players the following benefits:
- TPS / simulation improvements through faster code and better algorithms
- Lag spike elimination from world generation, light calculations, and chunk loads
- RAM savings of around 200 MB for a decent amount of mods
- Faster chunk loading (client/server) and rendering (client)
- Faster game startup
- Minor network bandwidth reduction in some scenarios
3) BetterFPS
BetterFPS is a great option that helps improve performance by optimizing game mechanics and improving server performance. Additionally, BetterFPS can help reduce lag and improve frame rates.
It does this by making a few changes to how the game runs, such as reducing the time spent rendering chunks and improving the way chunk loading is handled. This can lead to a significant FPS boost on most systems, especially if you are running Minecraft on a lower-end machine.
BetterFPS is one of the most popular mods for the game and is definitely worth trying if you are looking for ways to improve your FPS.
4) Sodium
Sodium, a mod that is very similar to Optifine, allows players to significantly boost their system's performance by offering adjustments to the system and letting players tweak the game settings.
By letting players choose which settings to use, those with a much older or slower system will gain many benefits. In fact, players who use Sodium will often see their FPS jump greatly since it can reduce the amount of clutter and useless textures on the screen. This can be a great way to get better performance out of an older PC.
5) Smooth Boot
The Smooth Boot mod for Minecraft is a mod that promises to make the game's startup smoother and faster. By optimizing the game's startup process, the mod can help reduce loading times and improve overall performance.
In addition, the mod also includes several features and tweaks that can further improve the game's stability and performance.
Overall, the Smooth Boot mod is an essential mod for any player looking to get the most out of their game.
6) Clumps

Although this doesn’t tend to be an issue on many devices running Minecraft, some lower-end hardware may encounter FPS issues when a large number of experience orbs are rendered onscreen. Clumps addresses this problem by merging the orbs into a single entity that a player’s GPU can render in a much easier fashion compared to dozens or hundreds of smaller entities.
Even better, this mod can be installed on a server and will automatically apply to all game clients that connect to it, so players won’t need to download it themselves if they want to play on a server using Clumps.
7) ModernFix

If Minecraft fans are looking for a single mod that can improve FPS through multiple means, then ModernFix might be worth looking into. This mod provides optimizations to in-game rendering and loading, backports bug fixes, and even patches some out-of-date mods to make them more agreeable with current game versions.
For the particularly resource-deprived, ModernFix also offers a means of allocating a very small amount of RAM to the game while keeping vanilla gameplay fully functional, should the need arise.
8) FerriteCore
Depending on a player’s hardware and virtual resources, Minecraft can bite into a player’s allocated memory, which can be one of the primary factors in FPS loss. Ferrite Core is available to provide some relief by implementing changes in the game code to conserve memory usage across multiple aspects of the game. Even better, players won’t even notice the mod is running beyond their FPS improvements.
The actual changes that take place with this mod are considerably technical in nature. Suffice it to say that Ferrite Core saves a machine’s memory from being wastefully spent during some in-game processes.
9) Entity Culling
When Minecraft renders blocks and mobs in the environment, it does so in proximity to the player. However, by default, the game also renders blocks/mobs that the player can’t see, which can cause FPS problems in some situations as the player’s CPU/GPU attempts to insert these blocks and entities in the game. All of this despite the fact that the player can’t see them!
Entity Culling is a mod that addresses this by using path tracing relative to the player to determine what blocks/entities are visible before rendering them. Those that aren’t will be avoided, saving players virtual resources that could result in an FPS boost.
10) Memory Leak Fix

Memory Leaks are often a byproduct of game design, and they can cause FPS and performance issues in Minecraft like many other games. Memory Leak Fix is a very basic mod that dives into the code for both player and server-side game clients and addresses these leaks. Overall, players should notice improved FPS at the very least, and may even find a few other aspects of the game running better than before.
Although this mod can’t exactly guarantee a massive boost to a player’s frames per second, removing memory leaks is simply a good modification to have in general.
11) ImmediatelyFast

While Minecraft: Java Edition does a solid job of rendering the game world, it isn’t as efficient as it could be. ImmediatelyFast is available to help by optimizing the game’s immediate mode rendering capabilities. This allows the visuals to be rendered by a device’s GPU in a faster and more efficient way, leading to performance boosts for FPS as well as improving the rendering of other mods.
Not to get into the technical side of things too much, but all Minecraft fans really need to know about this mod is that it allows for faster graphics rendering, which is a net positive in general for performance.
12) Concurrent Chunk Management Engine
Minecraft has a certain means of loading and generating chunks of terrain, but the Concurrent Chunk Management Engine mod helps lighten the load by better utilizing CPU threading. This means that multiple cores on a player’s device can work in tandem to generate chunks, reducing their overall load times and reducing the performance strain in turn.
Players are advised to use this mod closely with the right render distance settings for their resource limits, but otherwise, this chunk management mod is a great way to boost FPS.
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