Before the Minecraft Caves & Cliffs update release, nothing was interesting about mountains in the game. They weren't very tall and lacked diversity. However, this update has introduced a handful of new mountains, and they are also significantly taller now and have become one of the best features of the Overworld.
Finding mountains is not hard at all in the newer versions. However, using custom seeds discovered by other players, mountains with unique and rare features can be generated in the game. Using seeds is quite simple. All players must do is enter them on the world creation screen and create a new world.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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Best Minecraft seeds for mountains
5) Caves & Cliffs (Seed: -5326459052469485554)

In -519, 138, and -1728, Java Edition Minecraft players will find a frozen peak mountain biome merging with a forest biome. The cool part about this mountain is that it is right next to the ocean and has a vast cave system.
Exploring the cave, players will come across many aquifers and the new cave biome: the deep dark. A mineshaft is close to the deep dark at -424, 33, and -1620.
4) 150 blocks tall jagged peaks biome (Seed: 16000026)

Upon loading up this seed, Java players will be surprised to see the tall jagged peak mountain biome that generates very close to spawn. There are a handful of mountains here at 58, 217, and -399, and the players will find forests and plains biomes around the mountain.

There is a ruined portal in the mountains at 13, 173, -426. Players will find a few enchanted gold armor items and an enchanted golden shovel inside their chests.
3) Village, dripstone, and snowy slopes for Bedrock (Seed: 6445790121170679386)

Bedrock players experience weird world generation features more than Java players. This Bedrock seed will spawn players not too far from a village that is on the snowy slopes mountain.
What makes this mountain fun is that it is hollow, and the pointed dripstone of the cave can be seen from the outside. The coordinates of this mountain are 127,98,80. Players will also find a ruined portal close to these coordinates at 344, -504.
2) Pillager outpost with stony peaks (Seed: 4785074608081193)

Stony Peaks is one of the most fun mountain biomes added to Minecraft with the Caves & Cliffs update. This particular java seed spawns the player right next to a pillager outpost, a rare structure where the pillagers are spawned.

The outpost is on top of a stony mountain, around which there are quite a few more mountains of similar height. Close to the outpost, players will find a few craters of plains biomes surrounded by snowy mountains. This is the perfect place to build a base.
1) Super tall and wide frozen peaks (Seed: 3180937131711060872)

One of the coolest things to explore in Minecraft right now is the tall snowy mountains. This Java seed takes it to the next level by generating a frozen peak mountain biome around 135 blocks tall and 170 blocks wide. It is the perfect spot to build a mid/end game base from which players can fly off using their elytra.
The coordinates of this unimaginably tall mountain are 608, 255, and 384; players will also find more tall snowy mountains close to it. A ruined portal is also very close to the mountain at 739, 142, and 330.
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