When starting a new world in Minecraft, players are in constant search for iron before any other ore. Iron is one of the most versatile ores to exist in the game and has many uses to its name.
While one of the best ways to get iron in Minecraft is by creating an Iron Golem farm, to create this farm players still need some iron with them. Using the right seed, players can get their hands on the crucial iron ore right at the start of the game.
Initially, the best way to get iron is from chests or mining, or killing Iron Golems. With the new Minecraft 1.18 update, players can easily acquire increased amounts of iron ore due to the shift in the ore distribution.
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This article will highlight the five best iron seeds for Minecraft 1.18 PE players. Using these seeds players can acquire iron right off the bat as they spawn in their world.
5 best Minecraft 1.18 PE seeds that players can use to obtain a lot of iron
1) Jungle temple in a cave
Seed: 1278242210

This unbelievable seed spawns players next to a jungle temple which is located within a cave. Players can swim up the water stream entering the cave to gather wood, which will enable them to craft necessary items. Players can loot the temple and also collect iron from the cave.
Though the cave is not massive, it is filled with iron ore. Players can collect and make a complete set of armor and tools with the amount of iron present.
2) Doomed village
Seed: -1156398589

Spawning in the middle of a Spruce forest, players find will themselves right next to an Azalea tree at spawn. Therefore, by digging straight down, they will end up in a Lush Cave biome. This cave is filled with iron ores and plenty of other resources such as gold, lapis lazuli, redstone, and diamonds.
However, venturing to the surface, players will come across a cursed village with an Outpost merged with it. The village is also home to a blacksmith and a Ruined Portal.
Players can acquire iron via the chests in the village or by killing the Iron Golem that may drop 3-5 iron ingots. Behind the Outpost, there is a large opening to a Lush Cave. It is filled with valuable resources and players will also find nine veins of diamond ore in this cave.
Cursed Village: 63, 66, 159
Cave opening: 59, 63, 167
Nine veins of diamond ore: 25, -6, 172
3) Treasure island
Seed: 3586024

The seed spawns players on bamboo jungle island, filled with a plethora of buried treasures that players can loot. These treasures in Minecraft are hidden from plain sight, hence players will have to do some digging to get to them.
There is also a Ruined Portal near spawn, which players can also loot. There are a total of 12 buried treasure chests on and around the spawn island. From these chests, players can acquire plenty of iron, diamonds, gold, potions, music discs, TNTs, name tags, leads, heart of the sea, prisamarine crystals, and chain armor for various uses.
Ruined Portal: 141, 65, 83
Buried Treasure (1): 136, 59, 24
Buried Treasure (2): 72, 48, 72
Buried Treasure (3): 24, 65, 136
Buried Treasure (4): 8, 59, 200
Buried Treasure (5): 24, 47, 72
Buried Treasure (6): 72, 48, 8
Buried Treasure (7): 8, 61, 8
Buried Treasure (8): -56, 45, 8
Buried Treasure (9): 24, 28, -56
Buried Treasure (10): 8, 50. -120
Buried Treasure (11): 72, 36, -120
Buried Treasure (12): 136, 65, -120
4) Iron galore
Seed: 1151185981

This Minecraft seed spawns players near a village that has a great view of an Outpost in the middle of a river. Near the village, players will find a huge cave opening that will lead them to an abundance of iron ore. While exploring the caves, players will also stumble upon a skeleton spawner.
Right behind the village, on the opposite side of the Outpost, lies another town. Players can gather food and other items from both these villages.
While journeying to this village, players will come across another cave opening. Similar to the previous cave, this one is also packed with iron ore and mining will be the best way to get lots of it. There is also another skeleton spawner near the first village that players can go to.
Village with the view of the Outpost: 77, 86, 151
Cave opening: 185, 55, 113
Skeleton Spawner (1): 68, -24, 220
Skeleton Spwner (2): 77, 47, 370
Village (2): -133, 69, 209
Cave opening (2): -50, 64, 359
5) Stronghold village at spawn
Seed: 1268272849

This seed spawns players on a lovely beach, with a village on the shoreline. This seed can also be used to perform a speedrun in Minecraft. Players can access two blacksmith chests located within the village to get decent loot and some iron at the beginning itself.
The village is located on top of a Stronghold that players can access to go to the End. The End Potal frame already consists of two Eyes of Ender.
By creating a Nether Portal in the village, players will also find themselves close to Nether Fortress, with a Bastion Remnants merged into it. Near the village, there is also a deep ravine with lava flowing at the bottom. The ravine holds riches and a lot of iron ores, that players can mine and smelt to get iron ingot.
End Portal Room: Dig at 317, 64, 597
Fotress and Bastion: 74, 67, -16
Ravine: 391, 40, 601
Note: The list present in the article reflects the views of the writer.
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