Minecraft is home to numerous beautiful blocks that players can use to create attractive and functional builds. However, coral reefs are one of those blocks that are only used as decoration in most underwater builds.
Players can find Coral reefs in warm ocean biomes except for deep oceans. They can be found in multiple clusters of coral, coral blocks, and coral fans. Sometimes these clusters may include dead coral, diorite, andesite, and granite. Coral reefs will turn into dead coral if they are not adjacent to a water block.
Many players looking to build an underwater structure or any building with coral will love Minecraft seeds with coral close to spawn. This article covers the top five Minecraft seeds with coral reefs for pocket edition.
Also read: 5 best Minecraft seeds for coral reefs
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Best coral reef seeds for Minecraft pocket edition
5) Coral reef survival seed

Seed: 2104241268
Coral reef - at spawn
Buried Treasure - 2902 60 -58
Shipwreck - Coordinates: 2932 36 44
Ruins #1 - Coordinates: 2924 31 -4
Ruins #2 - Coordinates: 2901 36 188
Iceberg Biome - Coordinates: 2981 63 236
This seed is excellent for starting a survival world as many structures are close to the spawn point. From these structures, players can get items such as iron ores, food items, and more which can help to kickstart their survival world journey.
4) Huge Coral reef at spawn

Seed: 1091912512
This seed offers a massive coral reef next to the island on which players will spawn. Players looking to build an ocean base must try this seed.
3) Island spawn with coral reef next to it

Seed: -1278051279
Players will spawn on a beach next to a plains biome island. Players might be able to find turtles close to their spawns as well on the beach or swimming in the ocean. This seed, like the previous one, has a big coral reef next to the spawn island.
2) Coral reef right under spawn

Seed: -1537918027
This seed spawns the players on the edge of an island next to a warm ocean biome with a coral reef. Players can find a wide variety of aquatic fish and maybe a couple of dolphins in this coral reef.
1) Shipwreck in coral reef

Seed: 1091912512
A shipwreck has been taken over by a coral reef that is right next to spawn. Shipwrecks have chests that can have wheat, carrot, and leather armor, which will be helpful in the early stages of a survival world.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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