Diamonds are one of the most crucial Minecraft resources, and they can be crafted into some of the highest-quality gear and tools. While diamonds can be mined via ore blocks, they can also be looted from various structures.
To improve their diamond hunting results, Minecraft players may want to consider using specific world seeds. Doing so can drop them right in the middle of an area where diamonds can be easily looted or mined. This can set Survival Mode players up for an easier time in their new world.
There are countless Java and Bedrock Edition seeds that can provide diamonds. However, it doesn't hurt to take a look at some of the most notable seeds that can get the job done.
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Note: This article is subjective and reflects the opinions of the writer
-206561949 and 4 other Minecraft seeds in 2022 that provide easy diamond access
1) 952520698404159 (Bedrock)

Blacksmith shops found in villages are an excellent way to obtain free diamonds. Though the loot chests within these shops are randomized, they occasionally offer a few diamonds that players are free to take. They also often possess things like enchanted gear, obsidian blocks, and even food.
This Minecraft seed is remarkable, as the closest village to the spawn point is filled almost exclusively with blacksmith shops. The village can be located at (X: 40, Z: 264), and players can loot all of the blacksmiths for free diamonds.
There should be more than a few to collect, allowing players to start their Survival World off on the right foot.
2) -578337626233747503 (Java)

At first glance, this Minecraft: Java Edition seed may not seem like much. There are a few villages at (X: -256, Z: 624) and (X: 384, Z: 752), and a shipwreck to loot at (X: -184, Z: 568).
However, when players head to approximately (X: -690, Y: -56, Z: 1222), they'll find a rich vein of diamond ore. They should be sure to bring a few sturdy pickaxes, as it may take some time to collect all of the diamonds available.
With so many diamonds, Minecraft players should be able to craft plenty of quality blocks and items for the foreseeable future.
3) 6494476051027237 (Bedrock)

This seed is certainly worth a try for instant access to diamonds in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. The village located immediately next to the spawn point possesses a blacksmith shop that should have a few diamonds to loot. The poster who shared the seed on Reddit, BakaroniPepparoni, remarked that the shop will yield six total diamonds.
While that isn't a ton of diamonds compared to other seeds, they can be accessed pretty easily. There's also a hidden benefit to the village, as there is a stronghold located underneath it.
Even better, there's a ruined portal next to the village where Minecraft players can easily collect blaze rods in the Nether.
4) -7460788801098795360 (Java)

This seed is great for players who want a huge helping of diamonds in Minecraft: Java Edition. However, to maximize their diamond intake in this seed, it's not a bad idea for players to enchant their pickaxe with Fortune.
The world seed itself has a few villages nearby, with the closest being located at (X: 624, Z: 112). However, the real prize is found deep underground.
At the coordinates (X: 22, Y: -59, Z: 104), Minecraft players can find a huge vein of diamond ore comprised of 21 diamonds (without the use of any enchantments). However, if these ores are mined with the Fortune enchantment, players should receive enough diamonds to set them up for the long haul.
5) -206561949 (Bedrock)

This Minecraft: Bedrock Edition seed might seem fairly standard, but the nearby coral reef that players can find contains a massive trove of diamond veins underneath it.
With so many diamond veins, players may even be able to collect over a stack of the precious gems for their crafting purposes.
Ore vein locations
- (X: -164, Y: -25, Z: -126)
- (X: -168, Y: -25, Z: -123)
- (X: -221, Y: -46, -Z: 168)
- (X: -181, Y: -36, Z: -111)
- (X: -203, Y: -30, Z: -113)
- (X: -220, Y: -52, Z: -152)
- (X: -160, Y: -41, Z: -164)
- (X: -197, Y: -24, Z: -150)
- (X: -205, Y: -33, Z: -152)
This is an amazing Minecraft seed to mine in while using the Fortune enchantment. When using this enchantment on their pickaxe, players may even be able to collect well over 100 diamonds.
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