All Minecraft players know the value of diamonds and how useful they are. Diamonds are pretty rare, and the most reliable way of obtaining a good amount of them is by mining their ores. Their ores generate below Y level 17 only in the overworld.
Another source of diamonds is loot chests that generate in structures like blacksmith houses, mineshafts, and bastion remnants. Finding them is time-consuming, but players can use seeds that spawn them next to a structure with high chances of having diamonds.
These are the best seeds for diamonds in Minecraft
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5) Desert temple with diamonds (Seed: -4295284396851726054)

Java Edition players can use this seed to spawn next to a desert temple. This temple does not have diamonds, but there's another temple not very far from the spawn point at -196, 69, 282. The second temple has two diamonds in one of its chests. Apart from diamonds, players will also get emerald and golden apples from the two temples.
4) Diamonds in a mineshaft (Seed: 1123769652)

This seed is for Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Mineshafts are known for having many exposed ores but coming across exposed diamond ores in them is rare. This seed generates a mineshaft with two diamond veins at 1211, 8, -1 and 1203, 8, 15.
3) Two blacksmith houses (Seed: 8038865430415659132)

This is a 1.17.1 Java Edition seed that spawns the player about 250 blocks away from a village located at -388, 67, 305. The remarkable thing about this village is that it has not only one but two blacksmith houses.
Both houses have three diamonds in their chests, along with a lot more useful items shown in the above image.
2) Exposed ore veins in a ravine (Seed: -5964255528871673076)

Like most seeds on this list, this is a 1.17.1 Java seed that spawns the player next to a zombie village in the plains biome. The chests of the village houses have emeralds and food items but no diamonds.
However, there's a ravine next to the village that has two exposed diamond ore veins. One of the veins has only three ores, but the other one has seven diamond ores. Coordinates of the ores are 135, 13, -310 and 145, 14, -279.
1) Sixteen diamond ores (Seed: 3113466)

This Java Edition seed is best for players who enjoy mining ores. In Minecraft 1.17.1, this seed generates a massive diamond ore vein that has sixteen ores. The vein is a mixture of both normal and deepslate diamond ores. Coordinates of the vein are 271, 11, -260.
Disclaimer: The article reflects the opinions of its writer.
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