Collecting valuable resources is a vital part of a player's Minecraft survival journey as they can be used to craft durable armor and potent weapons. Diamonds are one of the rarest and most durable minerals in the game and can be collected in multiple ways.
Minecraft seeds are world-generating codes that players use to access specific Minecraft worlds and these codes are generally used to load worlds that have useful structures or resources at spawn.
Also read: 5 best secret village seeds in Minecraft 1.17 Caves & Cliffs update
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Seeds for finding diamonds in Minecraft pocket edition
1) Diamonds in ravine
Seed: -2111305578
Coordinates: 240 12 273
Ravines are naturally generated parts of the world that have many ores inside of them. Players looking for diamonds should never ignore ravines as they may have exposed diamond ores. Upon using this Minecraft seed, players will spawn next to a ravine that has over 10 diamond ores.
2) Village with diamonds
Seed: -1148956827
Coordinates of village: 1753 74 -319
Coordinates of the second village: 1519 69 -783
Coordinates of outpost: 1711 69 -672
This excellent bedrock edition seed has multiple villages close to spawn that have diamonds inside of their chests. Players looking for not just diamonds but other resources as well must try this seed as the villages and outposts at the mentioned coordinates have a lot of loot.
3) 16 diamond vein
Seed: -173208354
Coordinates: -965 -39 -962
Generally, players can find only 1-10 diamond ores in a single chunk when mining at the correct height, but using this rare seed, a diamond vein that has 16 ores can be located at the above coordinates.
4) Five Blacksmith houses

Seed: 669246487
Coordinates: spawn
Players will not find as many blacksmith houses in a single village as they will in this seed. Blacksmith houses are known for having diamonds, making this seed perfect for players looking for a village to begin their journey with a headstart.
5) Diamond ore madness

Seed: 1577517118
- Stronghold #1: -1228 40 -796
- Stronghold #2: -348 40 1060
- Village #1: 135 80 -320
- Village #2: 520 80 -320
- 15-Ore Diamond Vein: 106 12 -180
This seed generates a unique Minecraft world that has an unreal diamond vein close to spawn. Players will find 15 diamonds in this vein without fortune enchantment. With a Fortune 3 pickaxe, provided the player gets lucky, they can get around 30 diamonds from this single vein.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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