Minecraft's world generation is one of the greatest and most creative aspects of the game. With the world and terrain generation being random, players can expect a ton of wacky structures and weird terrain to be generated. With the release of the Cliffs and Cliffs Part 2 or Minecraft 1.18 update, terrain generation has further been amplified to make room for all the changes Mojang has introduced into the game.
However, many players love to play on a map that has some amount of flat landscape, which is immensely helpful when focusing on building, due to the low amount of terraforming required. Fortunately, Reddit has a large number of Minecraft-themed subreddits where members of the game’s community help each other out when it comes to finding the perfect world for any aspect of the game.
This article will showcase some of the best seeds for flat terrain surfaces that players can play on.
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Note: This article is subjective and reflects the opinion of the writer.
Top 5 seeds with flat surfaces in Minecraft that are great for terraforming
5) Flat island (Seed: 3499308549)
This seed spawns the players in a plains biome that is filled with sunflowers. A ruined portal can be found towards the east of the spawn point, near a river. A buried treasure chest can be found a few blocks southeast of the ruined portal, right at the beginning of a beach biome.
If players head to the coordinates given below, they can find an island surrounded by three large forest biomes: A forest, birch forest, and jungle. The island is composed of a plains biome that has a flat terrain. This can serve as a great place to build, with forest biomes around the island providing the player with enough wood to build.
Coordinates for the flat island: (1000, 100, -666)
Also check: Minecraft seed map
4) Flatlands Valley (Seed: 1883852185405862108)
This seed spawns players inside a large valley with hills on both sides being part of a forest biome. The valley is composed of a plains biome and can serve as a great place for many different types of base or structure builds. Terrain building or reshaping is also a good idea for this type of world generation.
In terms of points of interest, two ravines can be found near the spawn point, one to the northeast, and one to the south. The forest biome around the valley is great for gathering wood and farming animal mobs. Additionally, a mineshaft lies around 100 blocks southwest of spawn, and a ruined portal can be found around 130 blocks southeast.
3) Multiple flat islands (Seed: 2176267810)
This seed spawns players in a jagged peaks biome, which is a part of a huge island with a ton of different biomes and structural generations. The northern part of the island is bigger and is covered in forests and snowy biomes with colossal mountains. A pillager outpost generates here as well.
The southern part of the island, however, is divided into a number of small patches of land, most of which are ideal for buckling, as they feature flatlands and a surplus of building materials like stone and wood.
2) Gigantic valley (Seed: 2034637801)
This seed spawns the player inside a massive valley surrounded by mountains and jagged peaks biomes all around. The green pastures of the valley have been graced with predominantly flat terrain, perfect for building large towns or even cities. A village can be found around 200 blocks south of spawn, with a pillager outpost if the player heads straight west.
Additional features include a ravine that spawns quite close to the village, a mineshaft that is directly east of spawn, and a ruined portal that generates if a player travels around 85-90 blocks southeast of spawn. Also, two amethyst geodes can be found right below spawn, just a few blocks away from each other.
1) Flat Flower Forest Seed: 911050781)
This seed spawns the player in a gigantic and beautiful flower forest. The player who posted the seed confirmed that the first contains a ton of flat land that can be used for building and other projects.

Flower forests are some of the most breathtaking sights in Minecraft, and having enough space to work on a large build in this biome can be a treat to the eye and heart.
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