Minecraft players love mining ores and collecting the minerals they drop. Emerald ores are one of the rarest blocks in the game, which generate in the Overworld. They can only be found in mountain biomes between Y levels 4 and 31.
Players can mine them using an iron pickaxe or better. Once the Minecraft Caves & Cliffs update part 2 is out, players will get to see a lot more emerald veins with multiple ores in them. For now, they can use custom seeds to find and mine emerald ores.
Minecraft: Best seeds to mine emeralds
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5) Exposed emerald ore in ravine (Seed: 6436308)

This is a Bedrock seed that works in the latest version of the game. At 507, 16, 198, the seed generates a single emerald ore. There's also a ruined portal close to where the player spawns at 152, 80, -568.
4) Multiple emerald ores (Seed: 6387421015018352620)

This is a 1.16.5 Java seed that spawns the player in a beautiful wooded hill biome abounding with majestic flowers. Not very far from there are mountain biomes where players can find emerald ores. The coordinates of the three emerald ores shown in the picture above are -11, 29, 75.
3) Exposed emerald ore (Seed: -7096750440274944677)

At 899, 23, 1120, Java Edition players can find an exposed emerald ore in a mineshaft. They can find two more emerald ores if they dig further, as shown in the image above. This seed also generates a ruined portal at 696, 89, 1336.
2) Many different ores (Seed: 7577169143886091774)

Like most seeds on this list, this is a Java Edition seed tested on version 1.16.5. It spawns the player in a wooded hills biome, and about 300 blocks away, there are mountains. At -385, 13, 248, players can find an emerald ore. If they mine toward negative X while facing west, they will find a diamond vein with five ores. There's also another emerald ore at -411, 13, 247.
1) Emerald ore blobs near gold ores (Seed: -502587992125843045)

This is an epic Java Edition seed that generates not one but three emerald ores very close to each other. Players can use this seed in version 1.16.5 of Minecraft. The coordinates of these ores are -168, 16, -550. One more ore can be mined slightly above these three ores at -162, 19, -556. Players can also acquire a lot of iron from the ravine generated close to these ores at -167, 16, 529.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the author's views.
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