Players can enter seed codes to generate a specific world of their liking on any edition of Minecraft. Seeds are defined when players are creating the world, and they are unique to the respective world.
Players can either come up with seed codes off the top of their head, or they can look for specific seeds with a specific type of world generation. For example, players can search for seeds where the world is leveled enough for building.
Players can also enter seeds to create worlds where there is a lot of loot, such as diamonds, and so it is easily accessible. No seed is identical to the other.
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Best Minecraft PS4 seeds
Collaged village
Seed: -1207312994794689339

This seed is very good for new players of the game. Players will spawn right by a village that is combined with another village. Players will find really good loot in this village to start off in the world.
There are also three other villages near this village, which can be found easily if players travel further out in the world.
Broken Portal
Seed: -257277437

This seed will spawn players near a broken portal. Players can find the materials to fix the portal, but it will take a little looting throughout the world first. Players will need obsidian to fix the portal.
Obsidian can only be obtained mining it with a diamond pickaxe. This means players will need to find diamonds to craft a diamond pickaxe first. Players can loot caves and ravines around the area to find diamonds.
Pillager outpost
Seed: -872552281

This seed will spawn players right near a pillager outpost. Players will find pillager outposts to be very resourceful. Players can find lots of good loot here, and once they get enough loot, they can start a raid if they like.
Players can obtain the bad omen effect from pillager outposts to start raids. They can gain totems of undying from raids, which will grant the player with one free life.
Extreme Hills
Seed: -1567484700

Upon entrance to this Minecraft seed, players will spawn inside an extreme hills biome. This is one of the rarest biomes for players to find. Emeralds are the rarest ore to obtain in Minecraft, and the caves and ravines in this seed have large deposits of them.
Players will also spawn near a desert biome right on the other side. Here, a desert temple can be discovered, with tons of loot for the player to obtain out of the chests.
All Biomes
Seed: 2111844826

This Minecraft seed will spawn players where a lot of the biomes are within arm's length. New players will be able to experience a lot of the Minecraft biomes without having to travel so far to find them.
Uncover new worlds with our Minecraft Seed Generator!