In Minecraft, looting structures is one of the best ways to obtain resources quickly. Structures can be found in all types of biome in all three dimensions.
Like items, structures also have their rarity levels. Some structures like mineshafts and geodes are common to find, whereas a few are pretty rare, like strongholds and overworld fossils.
Using pre-found seeds, players can discover valuable structures easily. This article lists some unique seeds for rare Minecraft structures. Some of these structures contain useful loot items as well.
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Minecraft seeds for rare structures
5) Mansion and pillager outpost in a village (Seed: -1482616611)

Woodland mansions are one of the biggest structures in Minecraft. These mansions are home to various illagers, such as pillagers, vindicators, and evokers. Illagers are the natural enemy of villagers in Minecraft.
In this Bedrock 1.17 seed, players can find a taiga village surrounded by a pillager outpost and woodland mansion. Both the outpost and mansion blend well with taiga village, as they are all made of spruce and cobblestones.
4) Mansion and pillager outpost together surrounded by badlands (Seed: 110918009997)

This seed is similar to the previous seed but better and for Java Edition. Players spawn in a heart-shaped dark forest surrounded by badlands, one of the rarest biomes in Minecraft.
In this dark forest, players can find a woodland mansion and pillager outpost. It feels like a paradise built by illagers.
3) Exposed fossil inside a ravine (Seed: 440074515)
Fossils are common in the Nether realm, but in the Overworld, they are arguably the rarest structure. In the Overworld, fossils have a 1.5625% chance to generate in swamp and desert biomes between Y 40-49.
In this Bedrock 1.17 seed, players can see a deep ravine cutting through a desert village. Inside the ravine, players can find an exposed fossil.
2) Island village above the underwater exposed stronghold (Seed: -1798043698)

This Bedrock 1.17 seed features a village on an island with an exposed stronghold beneath it. Players can go to X: 1400 Z: -670 to find this rare world generation. The village also has a blacksmith house. Lucky players may get some diamonds by looting chests.
1) Quad witch huts (Seed: -680543071556675343)

Many players search for quad witch huts seed as by using them, they can build highly efficient witch farms. Witches are one of the best mobs to farm in Minecraft. They can drop over six different items when killed by a player.
This Java 1.17 seed features four witch huts together in a swamp biome. Under these four witch huts, players can find a stronghold as well.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the author's views.
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