Survival worlds are a staple of Minecraft gameplay. However, Minecraft is not always easy to beat, especially when the world generation proves to be quite unhelpful in terms of collecting resources.
That’s why many Minecraft players seek out world seeds that best suit their ideal playthrough needs. Thankfully, the Minecraft community tends to share amazing seed finds online for others to explore for themselves.
For those searching for a seed to start a new Minecraft survival world, here are five amazing options to consider.
Please note: This article reflects the author’s views.
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Also read: 10 best Minecraft seeds for 2022
Great seeds for survival Minecraft worlds
#5 - Horses and houses (Seed: 8678942899319966093)

This seed sets survival players off with a great start. Minecrafters will spawn next to a huge village with a ton of horses, sheep and other farm mobs nearby. The village loot chests have amazing survival valuables, like saddles and horse armor for the nearby steads, gold ingots and obsidian.
#4 - Easy Nether access (Seed: 150350241)

This Minecraft Bedrock Edition seed has a ruined portal not far from spawn. Once players complete that ruined portal, it will teleport anyone who enters directly inside a Nether fortress. This is, of course, every speedrunner’s dream, and it makes playing on survival mode incredibly easier as it eliminates the need for endless searching within the Nether realm.
Minecraft players can easily obtain enough blaze rods to beat the game quickly with this seed, plus they’ll always have easy access to the fortress later on if they need more blaze rods for potions in the future.
#3 - Structures for survival (Seed: 150350241)

This seed might be ideal for players with plans for a long-term survival world commitment. It features a wild number of structures within the general vicinity of spawn, including five dungeons, two villages, two mineshafts, a shipwreck and a pillager outpost.
The combined loot between all of these structures will surely have any Minecraft survival player off to a great start. Plus, this seed has great world terrain with a plethora of caves, ravines and various biomes for players to explore.
#2 - Blacksmith at spawn (Seed: 686298914)

Any Minecraft survival world that provides players with a blacksmith near spawn is always immensely helpful for gameplay. This seed spawns players right next to a village with a great blacksmith who has diamonds, swords and obsidian inside his chest.
Plus, this world has an insane amount of structures all within hundreds of blocks from spawn. This includes six total villages, two dungeons with great loot, four desert temples and a stronghold less than a thousand blocks away.
#1 - Incredible island (Seed: 542630838)

This amazing seed would make for a stellar survival world. It features a village completely isolated on an island, which is already a rare find. Incredibly, the village has three blacksmiths, which is an insanely rare occurrence during world generation. The loot in this already rare village is unbelievable, featuring iron armor, iron tools, iron armor, gold ingots, emeralds and even diamonds.
That’s not even the most amazing part of this seed. There are other structures near this incredible island, including an ocean monument and an abandoned village. Perhaps the best of all, however, is a stronghold located nearly directly beneath the island village. This world has some of the rarest generations of all and would be more than ideal for a Minecraft survival world.
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