Minecraft is home to millions of different seeds, but the ones in this article are perfect for players who are looking to explore and conquer a woodland mansion.
Woodland mansions are one of the largest naturally generated structures in all Minecraft. Inside of these large houses are a variety of rooms that have the potential to pose their own unique challenges.
The room layout for each mansion is generated randomly, so players will consistently be able to find different room combinations as they explore more mansions.
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Evokers can also be found holding residence at these structures, and offer the rare totem of undying for players who are able to slay them.
This article showcases five of the very best Minecraft seeds for players who are looking to explore some woodland mansions.
5 best Minecraft seeds for woodland mansions and exploring
#5 - Mansion over a Ravine

The woodland mansion in this Minecraft seed spawned right on top of a ravine and next to a nearby village. Players who select this Minecraft seed will be able explore a variety of different structures that are only a few minutes walk away from spawn.
The mansion in this seed decided to defy level generation logic and spawned right over a ravine. The ravine itself has plenty of precious resources for players to mine and collect. Anyone who explores here should be careful and watch their step, so as to avoid an untimely death.
Before even setting foot in the mansion, players will also be able to gear up at the nearby village. The chests and goodies that can be found here will give players a chance against the dastardly mobs inside of the mansion.
There is also a pillager outpost and jungle temple for players to conquer, that is fairly close to the mansion.
Cords of Mansion: -2004, 63, -1131
Cords of Outpost and a Temple: -2282, 101, -1158
Platform: Bedrock
Seed: -1213199956
#4 - Mansion close to a Mesa Biome

This Minecraft seed is home to a plethora of different biomes and structures for players to explore. There are villages, a broken portal, a witch hut, a mansion, and so much more for players to explore.
Players would have a hard time complaining about the amount of variety in this seed, both in terms of different biomes and structures to explore.
This seed could be an exceptional choice for a new Minecraft survival playthrough in 2021.
Cords of Broken Portal and a Village: 992, 65, -275
Cords of Mesa Village: 1873, 87, 519
Cords of Woodland Mansion: 1832, 68, 648
Platform: Bedrock
Seed: 1126911260
#3 - Mansion that is near many different Biomes

In this Minecraft seed, players will be able to easily find a village and mansion that are practically at the spawn point for the world. As soon as players spawn into this seed, they will be treated to village.
Players will be able to gear up at the village before exploring the mansion that is only a hop and a skip away.
Once players have cleared through the nearby structures, there are an assortment of different biomes for players to choose from when deciding where to explore next.
Players who want to get into the Nether quickly, will also be able to utilize a nearby ruined portal. There is plenty for players to explore in this Minecraft seed.
Cords of Mansion: 487, 84, 179
Cords of a Desert Temple: 185, 78, 247
Cords of a Village with a Stronghold: 568, 70, -338
Platform: Bedrock
Seed: -1411036478
#2 - Mansion that has it all

This Minecraft mansion offers players the ability to explore a variety of different structures that are all in an aesthetically pleasing biome. Per usual with this list, players will be able to gear themselves up fairly easily with access to this many structures.
Before or after defeating the mansion, players who explore this area will likely be able to find some horses as well as a beehive.
Cords of Village, Outpost, and Mansion: 1534, 69, 280
Platform: Bedrock
Seed: 1613434103
Also Read: Minecraft seed map
#1 - Mansion on an Island

This Minecraft seed is home to an island with a woodland mansion, a few huge mushrooms, and lots of trees. It is no secret that the Minecraft community loves islands, and this one would be perfect for anyone looking for an island to call their own
Players can make quick work of the hostile mobs inside of the mansion, and then possibly convert this island into their own creation.
The opportunity with this seed is near endless, and it is well worth the trek to this island from the spawn point of the game.
Cords: 844, 99, -4240
Platform: Bedrock
Seed: -130029
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