Currently, Minecraft possesses approximately 20 different generated structures to explore in version 1.19. These locations are created during the generation of a world seed and are distributed between the Overworld, the Nether, and the End.
When a Minecraft gamer creates a new world in either single-player or multiplayer, there are certain structures they should prioritize exploring. These areas are lower-risk than their counterparts and still provide solid rewards through loot chests. With minimal traps and fewer dangerous mobs, potential spelunkers should have a substantially easier time securing early-game items in such structures.
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Minecraft structures to prioritize when starting new game
1) Buried treasure

Though it may be perplexing, buried treasure chests in Minecraft technically count as generated structures. They appear in beach biomes and rarely on the ocean floor. Fortunately, you can find these free loot chests very easily if you know where to look.
Specifically, buried treasure generates on a chunk-by-chunk basis. In Java Edition, these structures will always appear at (X: 9, Z: 9) in a chunk's coordinates and will be facing east.
In Bedrock Edition, however, they can be found at (X: 8, Z: 8) in the chunk's coordinates and can also face different directions. Once you've found the correct location for a chest, all that remains is a little digging.
2) Desert pyramids

As their name implies, desert pyramids are found within Minecraft's desert biomes. While this can make them situational, they have plenty of riches to offer. However, gamers will need to be aware of the trap that lies in wait to avoid destroying the pyramid's bounty. After breaking the terracotta blocks laid in the floor, the treasure chamber below is trapped with a pressure plate.
In the event a player steps on it, the TNT under the room's floor will detonate, destroying the loot chests. Thankfully, by taking out the pressure plate without triggering it, you can loot the structure without worrying about any unintended explosions. For extra measure, try mining the TNT blocks underneath the treasure room floor as well.
3) Ruined portals

Structures that can appear in most Minecraft biomes, ruined portals provide early access to the Nether if a player can complete their frames and activate them. Even better, these ominous constructs typically possess a small chest near them, which contains solid loot like enchanted golden gear. And since the portals aren't complete, there's no threat of mobs emerging from the Nether.
Keep in mind, however, that ruined portals occasionally spawn with pools of lava or with magma blocks. You'll want to watch your step when approaching these structures.
4) Abandoned mineshafts

Often crisscrossing the underground regions of a Minecraft world, abandoned mineshafts can be found in various biomes. However, these structures tend to generate more often within badlands. The most threatening aspects of these places involve sudden drops and cave-spider spawners.
As long as Minecraft players keep the area well-lit and watch their step, abandoned mineshafts shouldn't be too dangerous. To mitigate the perils of cave spider poison, try bringing along a few milk buckets to drink.
5) Villages

Found in various different Minecraft biomes, villages are of great help to players during early-game exploration. They often provide free food, loot, and the ability to trade materials and items with roaming villagers.
These areas are also fairly secure, thanks to the presence of various homes, buildings, and iron golems. If Minecraft players know how to hostile-proof a village, they can convert it into their base of operations. This should prevent villagers from being killed and converted into zombies, allowing them to gain experience in their profession through trading.
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