When it comes to Minecraft, looking at the same textures of blocks day after day can get a bit tiring.
One of the most basic textures that needs updating is the water in the game. With more and more Minecraft mobs being aquatic, its unfortunate when players can't admire them completely because of the darkness and hue of the vanilla water texture.
This is where the Minecraft community comes in! For years on end, Minecraft lovers have been developing texture and resource packs for anyone to download for free.
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These texture packs come in all sorts of styles and densities, changing up the entire game or only a section of it. Here are some of the best texture packs that change the way water looks in Minecraft for the better.
Five best Minecraft texture packs that enhance the water
5. Better Water

This texture pack is great for clearing up Minecraft water and making it more realistic. It allows the player to have more visibility when it comes to seeing underwater, swimming, and diving. This pack is really simple—only having two changed textures—so this is for the player that wants the most classic Minecraft feel, as it doesn't change anything other than the water.
This pack does run with optifine, as it is a resource pack, but it's completely worth it and really easy to download.
Download here.
4. Water Improved

Water Improved is another texture pack that provides more clarity to Minecraft water without editing anything else about the game. It keeps the same sheen that Minecraft water has; the only change is the hue of the water and the transparency. This pack is great to watch, as anything swimming beneath the water can be seen perfectly without any interference from the water itself.
This pack is highly recommended for players who wish to keep the usual vibe of Minecraft while having some enhanced water textures.
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3. Mo's Vibrancy Pack

Mo's Vibrancy Pack is a wonderful pack that refines the textures of Minecraft to make them a bit brighter and nicer to look at. Grasses are greener, water is clearer and a brighter blue hue, and so much more.
The sky and atmosphere additions to this resource pack are so beautiful, and is is great to try out when given the chance. Almost any player would love the enhancements that this resource pack brings to the game without changing too much.
Download here!
2. Default Realism

The Default Realism Pack by Emily adds tiny touches of realism to Minecraft without it changing the entire game. Block textures are changed carefully, making sure they maintain the same style and look of vanilla Minecraft blocks. The enhanced water and clouds of this pack are marvelous, making the skies and seas absolutely gorgeous.
This pack fixed armor and tool textures to look more realistic, changed the look of lava and water, added to the appearance of mobs to make them even cuter than before, and even updated the sun and moon from the game.
This pack is brilliant for those players that want that basic, vanilla Minecraft feel while still wanting to experiment and go out of their comfort zone when it comes to resource and texture packs. It's a great starting and pushing off point for exploring the vast options of textures the community has created.
Download here!
1. Realistic Adventure

This resource pack is absolutely amazing. It brings a whole new type of realism and brilliance to Minecraft, making water and clouds incredibly realistic and very beautiful. All blocks are textured to perfection without a pixel out of place, and the look is cohesive throughout.
This pack is definitely for any adventurous players who want to keep playing Minecraft, just with a different feel or vibe. This texture pack transforms the game completely and makes even veteran players feel like they're playing for the first time again.
Download here!
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