There are many ways of using TNT in the blocky world of Minecraft. Players can use it to clear space, mine, or even set up traps.
Traps are a very common use of TNT. TNT traps can be found naturally within desert temples in a Minecraft world. The main uses of TNT traps are to prank teammates or to kill enemies.
In this article, we will be detailing the top 5 TNT traps to make in Minecraft.
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Most suitable TNT traps for Minecraft
5) Trapped TNT chest trap
Trapped chests function identically to normal chests. However, a minor difference is that they also produce redstone power upon being opened.
Players can easily use this mechanic to build a basic TNT trap. They can do this by replacing other players' chests with trapped chests and leading redstone connected to the chest into TNT.
Provided everything is set up correctly, opening the trapped chest should cause a near-instant TNT explosion. Other players will have no way of knowing that they have opened a trapped chest until it is too late!
4) TNT door trap
Many players utilize redstone power in order to open doors, whether it be through pressure plates, levers or buttons.
Players can also use redstone power to trap unsuspecting victims by rigging the wiring from the opening mechanism into some TNT. This will cause the TNT to explode the next time the victim tries to enter their house.
3) Tripwire TNT trap
Minecraft players have the ability to craft an item called “Tripwire hooks.” If two of these items are created, they can be placed at either side of a wall and then connected with placed string.
When a player walks over this string, it will cause redstone power to be emitted, which should be connected to some TNT in order to create a trap.
The only downside to this specific design is that the trap is obvious if the hooks are not well hidden.
Learn more about tripwire hooks here
2) Hidden pressure plates
Pressure plates have the same texture as the block they are created from. This means that they blend in very well if they are placed on the same block (e.g., placing stone pressure plate on stone block).
Underneath the block, the player should place TNT. Once someone walks over the hidden pressure plates, they will light the TNT, thus causing it to explode.
1) Block breaking trap

To make this trap, players need to place an observer in such a way that it faces upwards. They can then place any block on top of the face (preferably something appealing so that someone will try to mine it).
After this has been done, players should place a TNT underneath the observer block so that it touches the red dot. Now, when someone breaks the block on top of the observer, the TNT will be lit and explode.
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