Villagers are unique passive mobs in Minecraft that act closest to humans in real life. They have a proper routine of waking up early in the morning, working different jobs, socializing, and eventually sleeping right before the night falls. Additionally, they can also trade different items with players.
Trading has been one of Minecraft's most famous and used mechanisms since gamers will always have items that are useless to them and can be traded for emeralds. Players can then use this currency to buy other valuable items villagers offer.
Since little has changed in villager trading systems, here are some of the best trades as of November 2022.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion. Several other trades are worth checking out as well.
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Top 5 villager trades in Minecraft as of November 2022, ranked
5) Paper - Cartographer

Paper is one of the easiest items to craft since it only requires sugarcane. Even though players can use this item in several ways, one of them is trading it with a Cartographer. These villagers deal with all kinds of map-related items, including paper.
They will gladly take any paper players have for some emeralds. They will usually take about 24 paper items per emerald. If users have a flourishing sugarcane farm, they can quickly get loads of emeralds.
4) Wheat - Farmer

Farmers are another type of villager usually seen working on a village farm. If their first trade is wheat for some emeralds, players are quite lucky since they can steal the plant from hay bales scattered around the village. It can then be converted into wheat and traded with the farmer.
Unfortunately, this effective trick only works if the farmer has the wheat trade. However, if they do, players can easily earn some free emeralds.
3) Sticks - Fletcher

Fletchers are villagers that buy sticks for some emeralds. This is a beneficial trade, as players can get some emeralds without doing much.
Sticks are arguably the most straightforward item to craft in the game. Players only need a log that converts into planks, and the planks craft into sticks. Moreover, there are loads of trees around the Overworld, which players can convert into tons of sticks.
2) Rotten Flesh - Cleric

While progressing through the game, players will fight a lot of zombies that drop rotten flesh. This item is of no use to explorers and can be traded with a Cleric villager who can take several of them for an emerald.
This is one of the best ways to clear out the inventory and storage with rotten flesh lying around and taking up space. If gamers have a zombie farm, this trade becomes even better.
1) Enchanted Books - Librarian

When it comes to trading, Librarians are by far the best villagers as they give special enchanted books for emeralds. This is brilliant since players can get the exact enchantment they want, rather than hunting for them or crafting them on an enchanting table.
If the villager does not have the desired enchanted book, the lectern block can simply be destroyed and placed again. It reshuffles the Librarians' trading list and changes the enchanted books they're offering.
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