Mobs in Minecraft are pretty common as some of them can spawn anywhere as long as the light level conditions are met. They can be helpful for the player as most of them will drop items when killed.
Most mobs drop quite common items, while a few others drop rare items that may not be obtainable from any other source.
Minecraft mobs drop these valuable items you should collect
5) Trident

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Trident is a weapon that can be thrown in whichever direction the player wants. When a drowned holding a trident is killed, there's an 8.5% chance in Java Edition and a 25% chance in Bedrock Edition that it will drop a trident.
The probability of it dropping a trident can be increased using the Looting enchantment. Each level of Looting increases the chances by 1% in Java Edition and by 4% in Bedrock Edition.
4) Shulker Shell

Shulkers drop Shulker shells, and they can be used to craft shulker boxes. These are amazing storage blocks that retain their items even if the player breaks the box and collects it.
Shulkers are hostile mobs that live in the End Cities found in the End dimension. Killing them is a bit of a hassle because if the player gets hit by a shulker bullet, the Levitation effect is activated. Because of this effect, the player starts flying without any control over their movement.
3) Totem of Undying

The Totem of Undying is a literal lifesaver in Minecraft. If the player holds a totem when their health bar reaches zero, they are not killed, but their totem is used. Not only are they saved, but the players also receive a few beneficial effects: Absorption II, Regeneration II, and Fire Resistance I. Totem of Undying is dropped by Evokers.
2) Blaze rods
A fiery hostile mob drops blaze rods called a blaze. They only spawn in the Nether world inside the Nether fortresses.
Blaze rods are essential for entering the End dimension because players will need them to craft the eye of ender. It can also be used to brew potions in the brewing stand.
1) Ender pearls

Ender pearls are the second item that a player needs to craft the eyes of the ender. The only source of ender pearls are endermen, and they only drop one per death. However, players can get more using Looting.
Ender pearls can also be thrown for long distances, and the player will be teleported to where it lands.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.
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