Mushrooms are a common yet underrated item in Minecraft. It is a type of fungus found in areas with relatively low lighting. In update 0.0.20a, mushrooms primarily come in two different types: red and brown. Additionally, they can be found in either a small size as regular mushrooms or a considerable size, about the same height as a tree in the game.
Mushrooms can be picked off the ground using any tool or the player’s bare hands. They can naturally generate in an area with a light level of 12 or less. Among the many biomes in which mushrooms can naturally generate lie swamp biomes, old-growth taiga biomes, mushroom fields biomes, and all nether biomes.
Additionally, they can be traded in exchange for an emerald from the Wandering Trader.
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While mushrooms can be used as a decorative item by planting it in a flowerpot, the item’s primary use comes as a food source for players. Three stew recipes require the presence of mushrooms inside the crafting table grid, namely a mushroom stew, a rabbit stew, and a suspicious stew.
While mushroom stews are easy to craft, players tend to skip making them and rely on food items like bread, fruits, and meat.
Top Minecraft biomes to grow mushrooms
5) Plains biome

The supposed default biome of Minecraft might not have blocks like Mycelium and podzol. However, it provides players with a ton of space to build large mushroom farms. All the players have to watch out for is the light level going above 12.
4) Old-growth taiga biome

The taiga biome is fascinating that houses ferns and spruce trees. The generation of spruce trees allows a variant of grass blocks, called podzol, to spawn within this biome. Podzol acts the same way as Mycelium and is ideal for growing mushrooms.
3) Swamp biome

Swamps may not be most players’ first choice for a biome fit to build a farm in. However, as mentioned above, swamps are one of the primary mushroom-generating biomes in the game. Players can traverse around using lily pads and boats and find additional resources like slimes in this biome.
2) Nether biomes

Players can find mushrooms in every biome in the Nether dimension. This fact makes this realm one of the best places to grow mushrooms, as there is an instant supply of mushrooms, even if the player’s farm fails. The best places to find mushrooms in the nether are crimson forests, warped forests, and the upper bedrock layer, which can be accessed using an ender pearl.
1) Mushroom fields biome

The mushroom fields biome is one of the rarest biomes in the game and usually generates an island. While this biome only has a single variant as of Caves and Cliffs part 2, a secondary biome variant known as the Mushroom Shores biome was available in previous versions of the game.
Mushroom biomes are primarily made out of Mycelium, a variant of grass blocks. This block allows mushrooms to grow at any light level. Therefore, planted mushrooms do not drop as items on mushroom biomes if the light level crosses 12. Additionally, no hostile mobs can be generated inside mushroom biomes. This makes them the perfect biome for a mushroom farm.
Players can find a guide to every biome in the game here.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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