Since the release of Minecraft, the community has found various ways of customizing the game. Installing resource packs is one of the easiest ways to modify the game's look and features. For those unaware, resource packs are a combination of files that can be downloaded and installed in Minecraft.
Unlike mods and datapacks, they can only bring changes to how things such as block textures and items look. They do not add new features to them or change how they work. Resource packs can be easily installed by downloading a pack and moving it to Minecraft's data folder.
Best Minecraft resource packs for builders
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5) 3D Doors and Trapdoors

3D doors and trapdoors is a simple resource pack by Vanilla Tweaks that, as the name suggests, remodels all doors and trapdoors to make them appear 3D. Vanilla Tweaks makes some of the best resource packs available for the latest version of Minecraft. Players can download their packs from their official website.

This is one of the highest resolution resource packs that can be installed in Minecraft. The developers of R3D CRAFT have designed to add realistic shadows, textures, and other missing details to the game. This resource pack can take the resolution of textures up to 512px but manages to keep the game running smoothly on most computers.
3) Improved Default

This resource pack is great for players who want to make blocks look more life-like. It makes many blocks blend in together, which gives them a very realistic look. It also adds a lot of new custom models for mobs. Chicken, in particular, looks a lot better in this resource pack.
2) Variated Bricks

Bricks are great for building houses and some other structures in the game. This texture pack is also made by Vanilla Tweaks which brings more variation to bricks. It makes it look more realistic, and the build overall looks a lot better.
1) Default 3D

Default 3D is a famous texture pack and has over 1.4 million downloads on the official CurseForge website. While keeping the vanilla look, it improves many blocks by adding 3D textures. There are four different variants of this resource pack, and players can choose from them based on how powerful their computer is.
Disclaimer: The article reflects the opinions of its writer.
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