Certain biomes are better for certain Minecraft players. Perhaps they prefer to build with jungle wood or just prefer to be near a jungle biome for the environment. Maybe it's that they like dark oak trees and mushrooms as a setting and want to find Dark Oak Forests. Maybe a desert temple is what they're after, which can only be found in the desert. Biome-specific structures often drive this search.
For whatever reason, crafters do have their favorite biomes. Other than the most common ones, like the plains and the desert, there's no telling how far away a particular biome might be. This is why using seeds for certain biomes is so popular.
Savanna biomes are not too common and many players who want to spawn near them will need a seed to do so. Here are a few seeds to try out.
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5 savanna seeds for Minecraft 1.18 Bedrock Edition that players should try out
1) Seed: 1731

This seed is a pretty standard savanna seed. Players will spawn into a savanna biome surrounded by acacia trees. The cool part of this seed is that it has an incredible cave system very close by. At coordinates (-41, 65, 52), players will find a huge cave system that has waterfalls, lava lakes and lava falls.
At coordinates (-114, -6, -163), there is also a dripstone cave, which is fairly rare. Savanna biomes are also not terribly common, so this seed is a rare combination indeed.
2) Seed: 355063688
Woodland mansions are incredibly rare, so the fact that there is one near spawn makes this an awesome seed. Most mansions are thousands of blocks away, which makes them a drag to find. Near the woodland mansion is a birch forest and a windswept savanna biome, which is a very rare sub-biome of savanna. This seed has several rare things in it, making it a must try.
All of this is on an island, which can make a really fun base. Living off an island can be a fun challenge for gamers, but this one has more than enough size to make it worthwhile.
3) Seed: 4012

This seed doesn't spawn players into a savanna biome. Rather, they spawn in a flower forest, which is one of the most beautiful biomes in the game. Beside the flower forest, there is a large savanna biome with llamas and acacia trees everywhere.
Additionally, this seed has a pretty expansive cave system right under the hill near spawn. Setting up a base near a cave that could potentially have everything a Minecraft gamer needs is key.
4) Seed: 1111132940

This seed showcases exactly what the 1.18 update did to Minecraft. Yes, it made caves deeper and mountains higher, but it also changed the way normal terrain generates, too.
This mountainous biome is a perfect example of that, with sprawling hills going up and down throughout the biome. Gamers can explore the entire biome to see just how different the newest version is from the others.
Also check:Minecraft seed map
5) Seed: 36206737
The 1.18 update introduced a few new biomes, including jagged peaks and stony peaks. Both of those biomes are present in this seed, as well as a snowy savanna. What's better than a regular savanna biome? One that's covered in snow.
Many Minecraft gamers love having it snow instead of rain, but finding those biomes can be difficult. This one is unique because savannas don't typically have snow. Forests and other biomes do, but this combination is fairly rare.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the views of the author.
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