Diamonds can create some of the best Minecraft tools and gear in the game, so it's no wonder why players are constantly searching for the rare material.
Finding diamonds is a time-honed trick in Minecraft, and players are somewhat re-learning the process after version 1.18's changes to ore distribution. Regardless, many Minecraft players have made the process a little easier thanks to the sharing of world seeds.
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No matter what platform players enjoy the game on, some seeds provide easy access to either diamond ore or diamonds themselves. There are a few worth noting for Bedrock Edition, including consoles, Pocket Edition, and even Education Edition.
Minecraft: Great seeds for finding diamonds in Bedrock Edition, including PS4
5) Dripstone Cave Gateway (-582063378)

Minecraft's new dripstone caves are an interesting biome, to say the least. Carrying the unique dripstone block, reservoirs of water, and more than a few hostile mobs, they can be treacherous locations. However, dripstone caves also possess exposed ores in many cases. Though this ore tends to be copper, players can sometimes find other ore blocks, including diamonds.
This seed showcases a large dripstone cave close to spawn, and players should explore it once they're well-equipped. There are more than a few diamond ore blocks to be mined in this particular dripstone cave.
4) Village with Diamonds (zrdisthename)

Found by Minecraft Hub user Zkaboom1, this seed requires a little work but has a huge payoff. Players will want to head southwest until they find a savannah village. In this village is a church with a small pool of water to the left of its entrance. If players dig down through this pool, they'll find a veritable treasure trove of ores.
Included are ores like emerald, but also a whopping 53 diamonds' worth of ore. This should be enough for just about all the gear a player could need to get started. The water can be difficult, however, so players may want to dig around it or bring along healing items to mitigate drowning damage while digging.
3) Diamond Caves (-4361528937055201680)

This Minecraft seed drops players between a meadow and a savannah. Though that's all well and good, it's the nearby hills that have the true appeal. If players climb these hills, they'll soon notice some gaping holes in the hill's face, filled to the brim with goodies.
An extensive cave system can be found, complete with a dripstone cave biome and more than a few diamond ore blocks to mine almost immediately after starting. Players will have to take time to make the right pickaxe, of course, but this seed is great for getting a head start with diamonds. Simply make an iron or better pickaxe and head up into the hills, the rewards should be well worth the investment.
Also check:Minecraft seed map
2) Deepslate Diamond Access (-198600772450851689)

It isn't often that Minecraft players see a cave reaching down to the utmost lowest levels of elevation from the surface. Fortunately, in this seed, players are treated to just that. Beginning with a birch forest biome, players will immediately notice a massive open ravine in the world. This ravine reaches well below the ordinary ravine, all the way down to layers of deepslate.
If players manage to follow the ravine's depths all the way down, they can find a large share of diamonds with a little mining. It may take some time to find the diamonds, but the clutch a player can bring back to their base is impressive.
1) 19 Ore Vein (1624061533593296456)

This particular Minecraft seed possesses a 19 ore block vein of diamond within a nearby deepslate layer. The vein itself is roughly 1,000 blocks from the spawn, so players will need to take a little bit of a trip to reach it.
The actual coordinates of the vein are -836, -36, -365, and the vein yields enough diamonds for a nearly full set of diamond gear. Considering these diamonds are so close to home, Minecraft players should have a little issue crafting a quick pickaxe and getting to work.
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