The Nether realm in Minecraft can be a difficult place to be in. Players can easily get obliterated with nothing but lava and fire as far as the eyes can see and mysterious hostile creatures swarming everywhere. However, as they spend more time in the hellish realm, explorers will learn how to save their lives.
To complete the main questline in Minecraft, the Nether is a vital realm to venture into. Players will have to fight the Blazes to obtain blaze rods and craft eye of ender. Apart from that, loads of other resources can be gathered from the hellish realm.
Minecraft's Nether is a dangerous place
5) Never fight near Zombified Piglins

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Even experienced players do not like to deal with Zombified Piglins simply because of how powerful they are when their entire clan collectively attacks them. These are the most common neutral mobs in the Nether and will come after the player who attacked them.
Hence, it is best to stay away from them, especially during a fight, since players can hit one of them by accident.
4) Cover bridges from all sides

Though creating a primary bridge is much faster and easier on resources, players must always go all out and cover the path from all four corners. This precaution is mainly due to Ghasts and other hostile mobs that may spawn on the bridge.
Ghasts can shoot fireballs and knock players off the bridges, while Magma Cubes can jump onto or spawn on the bridge itself.
3) Spawn-proof Nether hubs

Players must always create a secure hub around their Nether portal to avoid sudden dangers after entering the hellish realm. Moreover, they must also spawn-proof the hub area so that no mobs spawn inside it. This can be done by placing torches, slabs, or even carpets. These techniques are tried and tested. Hence, they will keep the hubs even more secure.
2) Trap Piglins before opening chests

Piglins are one of the weirdest neutral mobs since they have several conditions for becoming hostile toward players. Even if players wear gold armor, Piglins will get angry if players try to open a chest.
This not only applies to the chests present in Bastion Remnants but also to the chests that we place and open. Hence, these pesky hostile mobs must be trapped or killed strategically before opening any storage system. This makes looting Bastion Remnants much trickier as well.
1) Always carry a fire resistance potion

The nether realm is filled with lava lakes and fire. At any moment, a player can fall into the hot liquid or get burnt by fire-breathing hostile mobs. This is where a potion of fire resistance can massively help survive the hellish realm. It completely negates the burning damage from anything so players can swim in lava.
This potion is brewed with magma cream, an item that can be obtained from Magma Cubes or several chest loots. An explorer should always carry this potion in the Nether, no matter what.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion. Many other methods help players survive the Nether.
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