Pillager raids are one of the toughest challenges to overcome in Minecraft. The plethora of dangerous mobs could prove to be a challenge to even the most skilled of players.
Especially on Hard mode, players and Iron Golems can easily be overwhelmed by the sheer number and strength of the Pillagers. Luckily, those who can sufficiently prepare will have way better odds at becoming the Hero of the Village.
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Five ways to beat a Minecraft Pillager raid
5) Lots of arrows

Players who do not have any arrows are in for a rude awakening when they discover the danger of a Pillager raid. Most Pillager mobs can be effectively defeated at range, but they will prove to be a huge pain (literally) when they get too close.
Players are recommended to stand on a high platform and shoot at the Pillagers as they come close to the village.
4) Armor

More than enchanted weaponry, enchanted armor is essential to survive the onslaught of Pillagers. Most Pillagers deal massive damage in one hit, and enchanted Iron Armor is almost necessary to be able to live long enough to defeat the waves.
When combined with an enchanted bow, players will not regret spending their levels on highly enchanted armor.
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3) Focus on the Evoker

Evokers and their Vexes are undoubtedly the strongest non-boss enemies in the game. They can be sniped from a distance with ease, but these mobs have the chance to summon the dangerous Vexes, which can phase through all blocks and attack players, dealing massive damage.
Gamers must make sure they keep an eye out for Evokers and kill them immediately so that they do not spawn those dastardly Vexes.
The video above showcases a player surviving all raid levels from one to ten, which is very impressive.
2) Iron Golems

While preparing for a raid, Minecraft players are recommended to build a ton of Iron Golems to take some heat off of them and other innocent villagers.
Iron Golems are pretty tanky and can withstand a beating before coming to an unfortunate demise. Due to their loyal nature to the village, these mobs most certainly would rather die to save their village than cower in a house.
1) Traps

Minecraft players are highly recommended to prepare some physical defenses to protect their village further if they have the time.
These defenses can be as small as a watchtower to sit and snipe Pillagers to a fully encompassing floor of Magma Blocks, which will damage Pillagers when they walk over them.
A high wall is also beneficial, but players will still have to deal with Vexes as they spawn.
Also read: Minecraft Redditor creates a "world error"
Note: This article reflects the author's views.
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