The End in Minecraft, in a way, represents the end of the game. Players can continue playing the game the same way after entering, defeating, and leaving the End, but it is the final part. Beating it results in credits playing, so it's the effective end of the game. Reaching it is hard enough, but defeating it is much harder.
In the End dimension, there is danger everywhere. The Ender Dragon is one of the most challenging mobs in the game. Besides, there are Endermen everywhere, and the Void is the most dangerous place in the game. Here are a few tips to beating it in the latest update.
Effective tips to beat 'The End' in Minecraft 1.18
5) Take lots of random blocks
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One of the best uses for random blocks, like leftover cobblestone, dirt, etc., is navigating in other dimensions. This is especially true when exploring End Cities. It can be difficult to tell where to go, so placing the blocks correctly makes a path for return. Additionally, they're great for climbing up and breaking the End Crystals.
4) Potions of slowfalling
These are perhaps one of the most critical potions in the game. With these, being knocked off of a structure by the Ender Dragon or falling into the Void is not the end. Players won't take fall damage with the potion active and can reposition to land on something rather than falling through the Void.
3) Ender pearls
Players need Ender pearls to make "Eyes of Ender" required to open the End portal. They should also have a lot of extras. When falling with the slow-falling potion active, these can get players from the Void back onto land. It can also get them to other landmasses, in the End, a lot quicker and safer.
2) Use bows and crossbows

It can take a long time and be more challenging to kill the dragon with a sword. Having bows and crossbows makes it possible to damage it when it's flying around the map, while being at a safe distance. This can cut the time needed to defeat it down significantly.
1) Do not look at the Endermen
Looking at the Endermen, as easy as that is to do, can make it a lot more dangerous. They're everywhere, so it's pretty challenging not to look into their eyes unintentionally, but having several Endermen chasing players can result in death. At the very least, it makes it very hard to deal any damage to the dragon.
Which of these is the most helpful for the End?
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