In the Minecraft 1.19 update, mining for diamonds will change slightly because of the new cave biome. The update will be released in a few days as loads of players gear up to jump into the vast sandbox world and explore all the new features. Whenever these kinds of big updates are dropped, the overall gameplay is bound to change.
One of the biggest features in the Minecraft 1.19 update is the Deep Dark biome. This will be one of the scariest biomes to explore simply because of the new Warden mob who will reside there. The biome will generate in the deepest depths of the world, usually where these precious diamonds are found. Hence, players must be extra careful while mining for them.
Top 5 tips for Minecraft players for mining diamonds in the 1.19 update
5) Mine at Y level -58

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After the Caves and Cliffs update, the game received changes that affected the world and ore generation. The bedrock layer shifted down 64 blocks, generating new areas where diamonds could be found. In the 1.18 version, players were able to find more diamonds as they got closer and closer to the bedrock layer.
The same trick can be applied in the Minecraft 1.19 update. If players want the largest amount of these precious items, they will need to go down to Y level -58 and start mining. It is a few blocks above the bedrock layer, so players will find ores more easily without hitting the bedrock layer.
4) Use Fortune 3-enchanted pickaxe

Enchantments are special powerups that players can apply to their gear to make them stronger. One of these enchantments is Fortune, which can increase the number of items or the chance of getting more items from a single block. For example, if players are mining one ore block with an enchanted pickaxe, they will get more than one item from it. Hence, players must always use the Fortune-enchanted pickaxe when mining diamond ores.
3) Beware of sculk sensors getting activated

In the new Minecraft 1.19 update, the scary Deep Dark biome will be released, which will contain sculk sensors. These blocks are quite dangerous as they can detect any sound vibration. Therefore, players must be extra cautious not to activate them while mining. The scary part is that they can catch sound vibrations through walls, so even if the player doesn't see the blocks, the sculk can activate itself and summon the Warden.
2) Cover sculk blocks with wool before mining

If players are around the new Deep Dark biome but still want to mine for precious diamonds, they must cover sculk sensors or shriekers with wool blocks.
In the Minecraft 1.19 update, the only blocks that will have no sound vibration and will be able to block sculk signals are wool and carpet. If players block sculk sensors or shriekers with wool, they will not be activated or summon the Warden. This way, payers can simply mine without hesitation.
1) Avoid the Deep Dark biome

In the Minecraft 1.19 update, the new Deep Dark biome will generate around the Y level, where diamonds are most common. Players can easily bump into the biome while mining deep underground. The best way to stay safe is to simply avoid the areas where the spooky biome is located. While mining, if players find the biome, they must simply turn back and travel some distance away from it and start mining again. This can make mining slightly more difficult, but players will be much safer.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.
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