Ocean Monuments in Minecraft are unique structures that are found in deep ocean biomes. They are also one of the largest structures in the game since they have a massive pyramid-like building with a lot of rooms and secret passages. This is one of the first big challenges that players might face while exploring the world, due to Guardians and Elder Guardians.
These mysterious aquatic creatures are some of the ugliest-looking mobs; hence, they can be scary for beginners as well. As soon as players approach an Ocean Monument, they will start aiming a laser beam with their eyes and attack. Hence, if players are planning to raid and conquer the structure, they must be prepared with useful items, weapons, and more.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion.
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Top 5 tips to conquer Minecraft's Ocean Monuments in 2022
1) Impaling-enchanted Trident

Tridents are one of the best weapons if players are fighting aquatic mobs. Since it is a water-related weapon, it has an exclusive enchantment called Impaling. This powerup simply increases the attack damage specifically towards water-based creatures.
Hence, if players are raiding an Ocean Monument, an enchanted trident can be extremely helpful in killing Guardians and Elder Guardians. The only downside is that they are hard to obtain.
2) Use Depth-Strider-enchanted boots

When players are raiding an Ocean Monument, they have to manuever through the structure by swimming. As many know by now, swimming is much slower than walking on land. However, there is a special enchantment called Depth Strider that can increase swimming speed by decreasing the friction between the player's body and water blocks.
Since they have to defend themselves against Guardians' laser, the enchantment will greatly benefit them. It can be applied to boots and has three power levels.
3) Army of Axolotls

After the release of 1.17 Caves and Cliffs Update part 1, Axolotls instantly became one of the best pets to keep around. Not only do they look extremely cute, but they can also help players when it comes to fighting aquatic mobs like Guardians and Elder Guardians.
Axolotls are hostile towards these mobs and can help players fight them. Additionally, they also apply Regeneration status effect on their owners and regenerate their own health after being hit.
4) Block Guardian's laser with pillars

If players are clever and quick enough, they can use the structure of the Ocean Monument to their advantage. When fighting Guardians and Elder Guardians, players will notice that it takes time for them to charge their laser. If something comes in between their gaze, the process will stop.
Hence, they can use the pillars inside several rooms to block their gaze and prevent them from charging. As soon as a laser is visible, players can swim behind a pillar to break their gaze.
5) Use doors for air pockets

Even though there are potions of Water Breathing and Respiration enchantments that help players breathe longer underwater, the simplest way to do so is by bringing doors or buttons that create an air pocket in the ocean. To do so, they can simply place a door in order to create an air pocket and stand inside it to replenish their breath.
Since they will be inside the Ocean Monument for a long time, this is the easiest way to replenish their breath and survive for longer periods of time.
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