Trading is a bit of a learned skill in Minecraft. Players must know how to spend the least amount of emeralds or materials in order to obtain maximum profit.
With that in mind, villagers provide different trades in Minecraft depending on their profession and expertise level.
Players would be wise to keep the best trades in mind in order to maximize their ability to earn emeralds or get their money's worth in quality items. Fortunately, the best trades aren't too difficult to figure out.
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Minecraft: The top trades in version 1.18.2
5) Rotten Flesh for Emeralds (Cleric)

Novice-level cleric villagers in Minecraft can turn rotten flesh from zombies into profit. Specifically, these villagers will take 32 rotten flesh for one emerald.
It may seem like a lot of flesh for one emerald, but any player who has ever created a mob farm will know how quickly rotten flesh can add up.
Considering rotten flesh isn't a great food item, and you can get emeralds for it, it's essentially a source of free emeralds for players who have an active mob farm.
It also doesn't hurt to utilize rotten flesh if a player is short a few emeralds here or there, even if they haven't created a farm for hostile mobs. Wait until night and kill a few zombies. The rotten flesh really does pile up after a while.
4) Gold for Emeralds (Cleric)

This is a late-game trade that serves players well if they have a gold farm. Apprentice-level cleric villagers will take three gold ingots for one emerald.
Gold is one of the more accessible ores that players can take advantage of in Minecraft. It shouldn't be too difficult to get a good amount of gold to facilitate trades.
This is especially true for players who have created a gold farm in one way or another, as it is a tried-and-true way to accrue a sizable number of emeralds for very little effort.
3) Emeralds for Name Tags (Librarian)

Name tags are quite rare in Minecraft and are often only obtained in the vanilla game via loot chests.
Fortunately, Master-level librarian villagers are willing to trade name tags for 20 emeralds. Considering the rarity of name tags and how helpful they can be in creating things like farms, this is an offer that players won't want to pass up.
Before these trades, name tags were essentially non-renewable. However, Minecraft players now have a reliable source to obtain name tags without pillaging and plundering multiple structures in the Overworld.
2) Stone for Emeralds (Mason)

If Minecraft players are looking for a source of easy emeralds, the stone mason villager is a perfect option once it reaches the apprentice rank. Mason villagers offer one emerald per 20 stone blocks.
If players manage to cure a zombie villager and make it a stone mason, they will even receive discounted trade options. This allows players to trade one stone block for one emerald.
This means a ton of emeralds can be traded in a very short time just for snagging a ton of stone blocks, which are incredibly easy to obtain.
1) Diamond Gear for Emeralds (Armorer, Weaponsmith, Toolsmith)

With enough emeralds, players don’t need to mine in order to create diamond gear in Minecraft.
Master-level weaponsmiths, armorers, and toolsmiths will fork over diamond weapons, armor, and tools, respectively, for emeralds. If players manage to get the maximum discounts for these items, they can receive these enchanted pieces of diamond gear for a paltry sum of emeralds.
A handful of emeralds for an entire array of enchanted diamond gear? This would be pretty difficult for Minecraft players to refuse.
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