Copper is one of the eight ores found in Minecraft. While gold, iron, and diamond are used to make weapons, armor, tools, and other items, copper is used to make decorative and unique items like the spyglass and lightning rod.
One of the newest items in the game, copper was added with the Caves and Cliffs part 2 update, titled 1.18.
While copper is not a difficult item to find within the world of the game, there can be times when players turn up empty-handed while searching for copper. This article will showcase some of the best locations and methods to obtain copper within the game.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the opinion of the writer.
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How to find copper in Minecraft: Top 5 sources
The first two sources on the list cover how players can obtain copper via crafting or smelting, whereas the last three sources on the list cover locations in the game’s world which are best for copper-hunting.
5) Block or Waxed block of copper

A block of copper is made using nine copper ingots. To craft it, players need to put nine copper ingots into a crafting table. Therefore, if players were to find a block of copper, or are in possession of a previously crafted one, they can break it down into nine copper ingots using the same process. The same can be done with waxed blocks of copper.
Note: In order to turn a block of copper into a waxed variant, players need to place the block and press the use key while holding a honeycomb.
4) Copper ore or Raw copper

Mining is one of the primary mechanics of the game. Copper can be mined from copper ore blocks that can be found all around the world of Minecraft. Players will require a pickaxe to mine copper blocks, out of which raw copper will drop.
If the player imbues their pickaxe with the “silk touch” enchantment, mining a copper ore block will drop the block itself, which can be smelted to produce copper ingots or mined to get raw copper.
3) Y levels 47-48
Every ore in the game has different height (Y coordinate) levels at which it spawns in a larger number than at other levels. For copper, this level lies between Y level 47 and 48.
While some blobs of copper can be found near the surface, the above mentioned levels are more likely to display large ore veins filled with blocks of copper.
2) Stony Shore biome
The Stony Shore biome was a mountain-related biome addition to the game with the Caves and Cliffs part 2 update. This biome generates like the beach biome, but is made up of stone instead of sand blocks.
One of the most effective features of this biome is the high probability of the presence of copper veins or blobs, usually above Y level 0.
1) Dripstone caves

While the stony shores biome was one of the many new mountain biomes that were added to the game with the Caves and Cliffs part 2 update, dripstone caves was one of the two new cave biomes.
The biome displays unique structures like stalactites and stalagmites, along with a significantly increased amount of copper that generates along the biome in blobs. When players get to explore this biome, they are strongly advised to collect a large amount of copper for any future endeavors.
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