The Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials update has been released after numerous snapshot and beta releases. With the update out, many players have already migrated to the newer version and have created new worlds to experience a new playthrough with the trial chambers. Many things have changed with the inclusion of new weapons, structures, and hostile mobs.
However, what remains unchanged is the player’s desire to achieve the best gear in the game. Despite the new features, Netherite still stands as the best resource for creating armor. In this article, we list the five most efficient ways to farm Netherite in Minecraft 1.21.
NOTE: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinion.
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Best ways to get Netherite in Minecraft 1.21

Netherite ingots are the main resource used to upgrade diamond gear to Netherite. However, it does not generate naturally and must be crafted using a rare ore called ancient debris.
Before getting into the mining techniques, players should note that all the strategies mentioned will only work in and around Y-levels 12 and 15, where the most amount of ancient debris is generated.
Here are the best ways of obtaining ancient debris in Minecraft 1.21:
1) Looting bastions

Bastions are one of the few structures found in the scorching biomes of the Nether. Once a bastion is located, players can explore it to loot various chests scattered throughout the structure, with a chance of finding ancient debris.
Although the chances are slim, it is still worth searching through the structure considering how much easier it is compared to mining for ancient debris.
2) Barter with the piglins

If a player fails to find a decent amount or any ancient debris using the above-mentioned method, they can barter with piglins inhabiting the bastions.
For those unaware, bartering can be described as the Nether dimension's equivalent of trading in Minecraft. However, piglins will always demand gold ingots and will return a random item to the player, which could potentially include ancient debris.
3) Strip mining

Strip mining is one of the oldest mining techniques in Minecraft that can be utilized in both the Overworld and the Nether. In this method, the player mines in a straight line till they want, and then goes back to the starting point and mines in the same direction, leaving a one-block gap from the original path.
However, to mine for ancient debris in the Nether, it is recommended that players do it in the Warped Forest biome as it has significantly fewer lava pools.
4) Bed explosions

Sleeping in the Nether is impossible, and attempting to do so results in the bed exploding. This game mechanic can be used to blow away useless blocks at lower Y levels and expose hidden ancient debris.
To keep themselves safe, players can place any solid block between themselves and the bed before exploding it, as it will minimize the damage significantly. This technique works phenomenally because ancient debris in Minecraft is practically resistant to explosions.
5) TNT explosions

Players can utilize the same technique mentioned in the previous point but replace the beds with TNT.
Using TNT instead of beds may seem like an unnecessary increase in overall cost. However, players can make the process significantly more faster by placing a line of TNT blocks, leaving five or fewer blocks of space between each one, and activating a block at the end to form a chain explosion. This will blow up a lot more of the useless blocks that stand in the way of the player and the ancient debris.

Once the desired amount of ancient debris has been acquired, players can smelt it in a furnace to create Netherite scraps. The scraps then need to be converted into ingots by placing four of them in the crafting grid alongside four gold ingots, resulting in a single Netherite ingot.
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