If Minecraft players are considering keeping their base a little more private, they may want to enact measures to hide it. This is especially true on multiplayer servers where rules lean towards anarchy game types and griefers can cause destruction.
The good news is that regardless of a player's situation, there are plenty of effective ways to hide your base from any intruders. These tactics range from quite simple to relatively complex, giving players a wide range of options depending on what is best for them.
Most of these tactics don't require a lot of materials. They can be built quickly and used effectively.
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The number of ways to hide one's base in Minecraft is massive, but focusing on some of the best options is a good place to start.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer
Safe-drop lava pool and 4 other excellent ways to hide one's Minecraft base
1) Using a Tree as an Entrance

If players manage to find a large forest in their Minecraft world, they can set themselves up for a very nice underground base.
By creating a shaft under the base of a tree, players can descend into their base while the tree obscures their entrance. Some builders have even employed redstone in order to utilize trapdoors and pistons to push the tree upwards when a secret block is activated.
The downside to this particular build is that it can be revealed by other players who are chopping down trees for wood. However, if players find a great isolated forest, this base hiding method is still excellent.
2) A Well-Placed Piston Door

Creating piston doors is often one of the first things Minecraft players learn when working with redstone.
While a simple one can be easily detected, many redstone engineers have created piston doors that are nearly impossible to distinguish from normal terrain. When blended into the environment completely, potential invaders will often walk right by any piston door players place.
With this hiding method in Minecraft, placement is everything. Players should be sure to build their piston door in an area that looks incredibly innocuous for the best results.
3) Safe-Drop Lava Pool

Lava is often considered a hazard to avoid in Minecraft. For this reason, players can use it to their advantage by using a lava pool as a secret entrance to their underground base.
By using signs to hold lava in place and then placing water underneath the signs, players can pass through the lava and extinguish themselves as they descend into their base.
Players usually avoid lava in almost any circumstance, so using this dangerous hazard as an entrance can be incredibly beneficial to keeping one's Minecraft base safe.
4) Item Frame Redstone Door
With a little redstone dust, some pistons, and a comparator block, savvy Minecraft players can use an item frame to create a very tough-to-find entrance.
By rotating the item in the frame, the comparator will activate and open a hidden door to one's base. Obviously, the trick here is to put the item frame in a place where an intruder might expect to find it, such as a shelter.
However, if players don't mind making a "fake" base while placing their true home underneath, the item frame method is an excellent way to keep others at bay.
5) Concealing Your Base With Powder Snow
Introduced in Minecraft's Caves & Cliffs update, powder snow is a trap-type block that players can fall into. However, it also serves as an excellent entrance if players build their base in a snowy or mountain grove biome.
If there's a ton of snow around and players can remember the entrance to their base, they can slip through the powder snow and enter their home without leaving any trace.
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