Finding lapis lazuli in Minecraft can be confusing for players who do not know where to look for them.
Lapis lazuli is an ore item used for enchanting books, armours, tools and weapons. Lapis lazuli was added to the game in Minecraft's 1.2 update back in 2012. Without Lapis Lazuli players, cannot use the enchanting table to enchant their items. It is also an efficient source for blue dyes.
Lapis lazuli ores generate between y level 0 and 30. After the caves and cliffs update, lapis lazuli ores will form up to y -32. These ores can generate in veins of 1-8. When mined using a stone pickaxe or higher, one lapis lazuli ore can drop 4-9 lapis lazuli. Using these five methods, players can easily find lapis lazuli in Minecraft.
5 best ways to find Lapis Lazuli in Minecraft
#5 - Woodland Mansions

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Did you know Woodland Mansions has a chance to generate with one block of lapis lazuli? Some mansions have one room with an Illager statue inside it. Players can mine this statue and find one block of emerald inside them.
One block of lapis lazuli can be crafted into nine lapis lazuli. Players can locate woodland mansions by using a woodland exploration map.
#4 - Loot Chests

When playing Minecraft, players will come across many loot chests inside dungeons, mineshafts, shipwrecks and more. These chests may or may not have lapis lazuli inside them. Looting random chests can help players find lapis lazuli.
#3 - Caves and Ravines

Caves and ravines can generate deep below in the game. Players can find lapis lazuli ores on the surface of caves and ravines. These ores can generate in veins of one to eight. An easy way to find lapis lazuli in Minecraft is to explore caves and ravines under Y level 32.
When mining lapis lazuli ores, use a fortune III pickaxe to get a lot of lapis lazuli. Do not try to mine lapis lazuli using a wooden pickaxe. Lapis lazuli ore drops lapis lazuli only when mined with a stone pickaxe or higher.
#2 - Villager trading

Cleric villagers trade lapis lazuli for emeralds in Minecraft. Cleric villagers are an infinite source of lapis lazuli. The only downside to them is that villagers can only do one trade twice a Minecraft day. After trading twice, villagers lock their trades and will restock them the next day. A cleric-based trading hall will provide gamers with an efficient and infinite source of lapis lazuli whenever they need it.
#1 - Strip Mining

Strip mining is one of the best ways to gather resources in Minecraft. Strip mining also works to gather lapis lazuli in the game. This method consumes time but has a considerably higher output.
In strip mining, players have to go down to the y level where the required resource generates. Lapis Lazuli ores generate under y level 32. After going below y-32, players can start mining in any direction in a straight line. This way players can find many lapis lazuli ores easily. An efficiency V + Looting III pickaxe guarantees faster mining and more lapis lazuli.
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