Minecraft's world is divided into three dimensions: Overworld, Nether, and End. These three dimensions are further divided into several regions called biomes. Biomes are areas that have a particular terrain, block composition, climate, and mob generation. Some of them can be quite common, while others can be extremely rare.
For example, when players spawn in a new world, their chances of spawning in a common biome will be much higher. The commonness and rarity of a biome are determined by the surface area that it covers in the game. Here is a list of some of the most common biomes in Minecraft.
5 of the most common Minecraft biomes in 2025
1) Forest

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Chances are that almost every single player has stumbled upon a Forest while playing Minecraft since it is the most common biome. Forests cover 12.354% of the surface area of the entire in-game world. This biome consists of slightly irregular terrain and lots of short oak trees. Occasionally, players might also find one or two birch trees spawning in the midst.
Forests are considered to be one of the best biomes to survive in Minecraft simply because it offers abundant resources like wood, food items from farm animals, and more.
2) Plains

Another extremely common Minecraft biome is the Plains, which covers 10.627% of the surface area in Overworld. This is one of the flattest regions in the game. A striking feature of this common biome is the lack of trees, especially when compared to other forest biomes. Naturally, plains are considered one of the best biomes to build structures on because of their flat terrain.
Plains can spawn all kinds of farm animals like sheep, chicken, pig, cow, horse, and donkey, which are also considered some of the most common mobs in the game.
3) Regular Ocean

Oceans — particularly the regular variant — used to be the most common biome in Minecraft. However, following the 1.7.2 update, it became the third most common biome in the game, covering around 7.158% of the Overworld area.
If players explore the Overworld for a while, chances are that they will come across the Ocean at some point. Moreover, do note that Ocean biomes come in several different types, even though we have only included two variants in this list. In fact, if all the Ocean biome types are combined, they will cover the most amount of Minecraft's world, around 28 or 29% of the Overworld.
4) River

The river is another waterbody that is quite common in Minecraft, covering 6.208% of the surface area in the Overworld. These are long water bodies that cut through land and meander through the terrain, generating water at sea level (Y level 64).
Unlike the real world, not all rivers in Minecraft need to end or start from a large lake or ocean. Moreover, they either separate two biomes from one another or split one biome into two sections. Do note that rivers also enable the use of boats, which are quicker than walking from point A to point B.
5) Lukewarm Ocean

Slightly rarer than regular Ocean is the Lukewarm Ocean in Minecraft. This waterbody covers 4.506% of the surface area in the Overworld. Lukewarm Ocean can be easily differentiated since its water color is slightly warmer than the regular variant.
It is worth noting that a Lukewarm Ocean is different from a Warm ocean, which can generate coral reefs. In fact, this specific biome can generate other structures like Shipwrecks or Ocean Ruins.
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