Minecraft's nearly infinite world is covered with caves, mountains, rivers, oceans, forests, and other terrain features. Players can also discover various structures and mobs in their worlds, though all of this depends on the world seed.
In Minecraft, the world is generated randomly. When a world is created, the game chooses a random seed unless specified and develops it based on that seed. However, sometimes users are dealt a bad hand and have a terrible spawn.
To avoid such situations, many of them prefer to create worlds using pre-found seeds.
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Five fantastic Minecraft seeds to play
5) Shattered savanna and badlands
Seeds: 495603

Shattered variants of savanna and badlands are some of the most extreme biomes in Minecraft. Shattered savanna and badlands are the closest things to amplified world type in a regular survival world. This Bedrock seed features both of these rare and beautiful biomes at X 60 Z 100.
Gamers can find a savanna village at the coordinates mentioned above. In this seed, they can also find jungle edge, the rarest Minecraft biome, at X 719 Z -43.
4) Tundra and savanna village divided by mushroom fields
Seed: 2005969909

Tundra villages generate in cold, snowy biomes, whereas savanna villages generate in warm savannas. However, this Bedrock seed features both close to each other, with a mushroom field dividing them.
In this seed, users will spawn two thousand blocks away from the world center. If they travel to X 0 Z 0, they can view this fascinating world generation.
3) Oasis but inverted
Seed: 11252141526551

Usually, oases are small patches of jungles surrounded by desert. But, in this Java seed, players can find a desert surrounded by vast jungles from all sides.
They can find the desert biome at X 300 and Z -700, along with a desert village.
2) 11 diamonds in savanna village
Seed: 15427653362544

This Java seed spawns gamers in a savanna village, close to a blacksmith house containing 11 diamonds. Unfortunately, these diamonds generate only in Minecraft 1.16.
Users can create a new world in 1.16 and upgrade it to the latest version to get diamonds and new features. With 11 diamonds, they can make a diamond pickaxe, ax, sword and still have three diamonds to spare.
1) Glitched end portal
Seed: -7394691493616634517

End portals are the gateway to the end dimension. These portals are found in rare structures called strongholds. An end portal activates when all portal frames have an eye of ender. However, in rare cases, an end portal can glitch and open without twelve eyes of ender.
This Java seed features a glitched end portal at X -1758 Y 40 Z -1406. Players can head straight to the End dimension without having to go to the Nether realm.
Note: The list is subjective and solely reflects the views of the writer.
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