Although huge builds are a spectacle to see, Minecraft can also facilitate smaller castle designs by its dedicated base of builders.
Smaller castles in Minecraft come in many forms and designs based on a player's available materials and their own personal creativity. However, some may need a few ideas to get the ball rolling, or maybe they just want to create a small castle design by someone else.
Regardless of a player's reasoning, there are a significant number of designs online that are relatively quick and easy to build and won't take too many blocks either. These castles keep making for great starter structures to keep players safe after moving out of their starter shelter.
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Minecraft: Excellent small castle designs in 2022
5) Mountaintop Castle by BigTonyMC

There may be no better opportunity to create a mountain peak castle in Minecraft than after the most recent 1.18 update. This update increased the build height and the height that mountain peaks can generate, making it a great opportunity to build a mountaintop keep.
With some basic stone, blackstone, and spruce wood, players can create a castle that has an excellent view of its surroundings due to its incredibly high elevation.
4) Classic Medieval Castle by MagmaMusen

Made primarily of stone brick, cobblestone, and a few mossy stone bricks, this simple design features a central courtyard and a very compact design. The design can also sport a defensive moat and players are free to customize the wool and banner colors to their liking as well.
This makes not only for a homely Minecraft castle but also a decent structure for PvP situations like Capture the Flag or Faction Wars.
3) Small Castle by TheMythicalSausage

Complete with a bedroom, chimney, kitchen, and even a horse stable, this castle has most things players would need for a Minecraft Survival Mode experience. This build is another made primarily from easy-to-access materials such as cobblestone, stone bricks, and stone slabs.
Wooden accents round out the roofing and outer perimeter as well as the entrance to the keep. It won't house too many players, but it's a great pick for a solo Minecraft survivor.
2) Simple Survival Castle by Nexy

Built in Minecraft's Survival Mode in order to illustrate the construction process, this castle build looks quite pleasing and facilitates all the basic necessities for players.
A bedroom, kitchen, and stables are all present, and this creation even possesses an enchanting room for players looking to improve their gear and tools. It's essentially a one-stop shop wrapped in a small and visually pleasing form.
1) Compact Survival Castle by Mr. Smoose

Requiring little more than cobblestone, stone bricks, wood, and wool (also lanterns for some great lighting), this small castle build is a bit more elaborate but provides plenty of room for its interior.
The build for this particular castle doesn't include interior decoration, so players can build the castle's walls and structures and then fill it as they see fit.
Based on the player's priorities, this castle can meet many different needs and acts as a fantastic single-player option for a stout and reliable castle to ward off enemies and keep the player and their items safe.
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