XP is one of the most valuable resources that players can acquire in Minecraft. It allows players to enchant and upgrade items in the game.
Luckily, there are quite a few ways through which players can obtain XP efficiently. Some of these techniques will be listed in this article (keeping ease of access and XP output in mind).
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5 best techniques to easily obtain XP in Minecraft
#5 - Ore Mining

Ore mining is a great way to acquire XP for players who are not interested in doing extra work.
Coal can easily provide tons of XP due to its ability to spawn very close to the surface. Players can quickly find any surface mine and obtain dozens of levels just by mining coal.
While it can be quite tedious, players will not be disappointed with the outcome.
#4 - Nether Quartz Mining

Like coal mining, Nether Quartz mining is a great way to easily acquire massive amounts of XP.
Nether Quartz is much more common than coal when strip mining. It drops 3.5 XP per block.
The downside to Nether Quartz mining is that it is slightly more dangerous. However, this can be avoided by strip mining instead of surface mining.
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#3 - Mob Spawners

Mob spawners are a great way to farm XP. They drop more XP than mining both quartz and coal.
Most Minecraft mobs drop 5 XP per kill. However, blazes drop 10, making them a great way to acquire XP.
The only downside is that blazes are quite dangerous. However, the player can place a cauldron with water in it to mitigate any damage from fire.
#2 - Chicken Farm

Albeit deceiving, chicken farms are an amazing way to easily acquire XP in Minecraft.
Each chicken drops 2 XP. When farmed at a massive scale, the player can obtain absurd amounts of XP.
Additionally, the player will acquire XP for breeding the chickens, making the chicken farm one of the safest and most efficient ways to farm XP.
Players will also have an endless supply of food, which is another benefit.
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#1 - Enderman Farm

Due to their high frequency in the End, an Enderman farm can provide players with a large and consistent amount of XP.
The best way to get XP through an Enderman farm is to create a large overhang under one of the obelisks. The Endermen should be too tall to access the player. This will allow the player to kill them without danger.
Another technique is to create a complex farm, which is more efficient and less dangerous.
The video offers a guide on how to create a more complex Enderman farm in Minecraft.
Also read: How to build an unlimited food farm in Minecraft
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