Emeralds are considered to be one of the most valuable resources in Minecraft. They are rare minerals primarily used as the main currency for trading with villagers and wandering traders.
Like most minerals in the game, emerald ores generate in the Overworld. However, they are even more challenging to find than diamond ores.
Other than trading, one of the most common uses of emeralds is to create a full emerald beacon.
Where to find emeralds in Minecraft Java Edition easily
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#5 Villages

Villages are natural structures that generate in many biomes. Villagers' houses tend to have chests inside them. Players have a 9.9-31.8% chance of finding 1-4 emeralds in these chests.
The chances of finding emeralds in these chests depend on the biome and the house in which the chest has generated.
Chests present in the armorer's house have the highest chance of having emeralds.
#4 Desert temple

Sandstone structures that can be found naturally in desert biomes are called desert temples.
These structures have multiple loot chests. Players have an 18% chance of finding 1-3 emeralds in these chests.
#3 Buried treasure

Buried treasures generate randomly in the Overworld. They can be located using a buried treasure map. Players can find these maps in chests present inside shipwrecks and underwater ruins.
If the player finds a buried treasure, there is a 59.9% chance that it has 4-8 emeralds.
2) Shipwreck

Shipwrecks are one of the most reliable structures for finding emeralds in Minecraft. Players have a 73.7% chance of finding 1-5 emeralds inside their treasure chests.
Players can find these sunken ships underwater in the Overworld. They can also be found on land in beach biomes.
1) Trading

All villagers, except nitwits, can take on a profession in Minecraft. By placing a job site block close to a villager, players can make them traders who offer emeralds for various items.
Villagers that have been cured from being zombie villagers will offer items for a lot cheaper. Players can cure zombie villagers by using a Splash Potion of Weakness and giving them a golden apple.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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