Building a house is often the first thing done in Minecraft. It's the base of operations, the place where players sleep, the storage unit, and so much more. They tend to return to the home they first build, so it's obviously very important.
A starter house is often as simple as can be, but when Minecraft gamers get some materials to play with, they can build some gorgeous homes. Modern houses are some of the coolest because they often require unique blocks.
They also look really good when done well, especially in the latest version of Minecraft.
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Minecraft 1.19: Modern houses that will knock your socks off
5) Waterfall house
This house is admittedly helped by the shaders in play because water typically does not look exactly like that. Still, it will look great in vanilla Minecraft and be one of the coolest modern homes in existence.
The blocks in play here are not those of ordinary houses. The white blocks could be concrete or quartz block, neither of which is simple to obtain.
It has a flow that makes it one of the most unique-looking modern houses, with the waterfall separating the two sides of the home and adding a unique flair.
4) Shrubbery

Modern homes often make great use of shrubbery or greenery in Minecraft. This method is easy to spice up the build to make it a little more modern.
This particular house also has some of the same elements as the previous model, like white blocks (quartz or concrete) and lots of glass. One thing modern homes almost always have is a lot of windows.
This house has three stories, making it a little challenging to build. However, if Minecraft users match the frame from the image, they can fill in the rest however they want, and it will still look like an incredible modern home.
3) Wood house
Most commonly, Minecraft houses use wood to be the walls and even the roof. It's one of the most abundant resources in the game, so it makes sense. Modern houses typically don't use wood, but this one flips that idea on its head.
This house perfectly uses wood to accent the white and black concrete. It also makes excellent use of subtle greenery to add a little color to an otherwise reasonably monochromatic build.
2) Pool house
One thing good modern houses have is a pool. This home has a straightforward pool. It isn't terribly large, so the pool can't be, either.
Even though it's small, it uses all the space it can to easily fit two stories, multiple rooms, a pool, and adequate greenery. The balcony is a nice touch and is pretty easy to make with a few fence posts.
Here, the use of stained glass makes the house pop just a little more than it otherwise would.
1) All of the above

This house has combined everything the other homes have. It has an excellent pool, some well-placed shrubbery, two stories, white concrete blocks, windows, and wood to accent the build.
It also has the same sort of frame most modern houses do, making it an easy one to replicate. This design is excellent because it allows the home to be built, and the greenery and the pool can be added any time later.
The house frame doesn't require the pool area, so it can be added when finished.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the views of the author.
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