Minecraft 1.18 update saw massive changes in the world generation and various spawn mechanics were also changed. Hence, any farms made before the 1.18 update could stop working once the world got updated to the new version.
Farms in Minecraft can be categorized into three categories: manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic. As the name suggests, in manual farms, all the work has to be done by the player, in semi-automatic some of the tasks are automated, whereas the player still has to do certain tasks manually and in fully automatic farms, players do not need to do any work the farm uses either mobs or complicated mechanisms.
Farms is one of the most sorted out builds in Minecraft as it makes the player's gameplay efficient and provides them with unlimited resources. However, there are specific farms that players should avoid building in Minecraft 1.18.
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These farms have diminishing returns in Minecraft 1.18
1) Axolotl farms

With the spawning changes implemented in the Minecraft 1.18 update, Axolotl can now only spawn in the lush cave biomes, unlike the 1.17 version where it could be found in open waters. Due to this, the previous designs for the Axolotls farms will not work in the new update.
2) Drowned farms

Drowned drop tridents that many players desire to acquire. However, since the 1.18 update moved the bedrock layer to Y -64, mobs spawning have changed drastically as now they have greater space to spawn, leading to a decrease in spawn rate on the farming platform.
Hence, building a drowned farm will not be the same as in the previous versions and the loot generated won’t be great.
3) Glow Squid Farms

Glow squids drop glow ink sacs that can be used to create glow item frames. However, with the 1.18 update, Glow squids cannot spawn below Y 30, unlike previously, where they could spawn below Y 63. Due to this change in spawn, building a Glow squid farm in the Overworld will be fruitless as they will not be able to spawn.
4) Cave spider farms

Cave spiders are sneaky and dangerous mobs that can easily lead to a player's death if not taken care of. They apply a poison effect to the player, making them a hard mob to farm. They drop strings and spider eyes like spiders, but they can only be found in mineshafts. However, their spawners are easier to find than other mob spawners. There is no real advantage in building this farm as players can get the same loot and XP from a mob farm which is far easier and less dangerous to handle.
5) Beetroot farms

Beetroots have minimal use in the game and do not help players in any way possible. They can be used as food sources, but they only restore one hunger and 1.2 hunger saturation, which is less than other food sources in the game.
Beetroot can also be traded with farmer villagers for emeralds, but other food sources could be traded too, which have greater overall use than a beetroot.
Note: The article reflects the views of the writer.
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