Building castles in Minecraft has become a time-honed tradition in the community. Every builder brings a different perspective and style to the castles they create.
For newer Minecraft players, or those who may not have built a castle before, there are many aspects of the build to consider. While any castle is tough to make, there are certain tips and tricks, from the building process to decoration, that can help. Below is a small collection of these tricks to assist players in creating the castle of their dreams.
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Minecraft castle building tips to improve your final product
1) Build from the inside out

While it can be tempting for Minecraft players to begin by building the outer walls of a castle, this can often lead to building issues. Specifically, there are a few things that are more annoying than constructing the walls before realizing there isn't enough space left for the central keep. By starting with the buildings inside the castle walls, players can ensure they have all the necessary structures within before they work their way outwards. With the walls as the final piece, the castle builders can avoid any interior hiccups during the building process.
2) Add a castle town for authenticity

If Minecraft players have extra materials stored, it may not be a bad idea to expand one's walls and include an adjacent castle town. They can even move villagers in and set them to work as if they were living in an ordinary village. This kind of added detail provides a little extra historical authenticity to a castle build. It's a time-consuming process to be sure, but one that certainly pays dividends, especially when the castle's owner wants to do some trading.
3) Employ block diversity

Fashioning a castle in Minecraft with standard stone blocks does the job just fine, but players should flex their creative muscles for a better overall product. In particular, using a wide variety of block types can significantly improve the final result. Mossy cobblestone can mark decayed parts of the castle, and the roofing can improve with the use of block types like Nether brick or blackstone. The final block choice is up to the builder, but variety is the spice of life, and this carries on to building in Minecraft as it does in many other things.
4) Add overhangs to walls

Security is vital when constructing a castle, and this is exactly why one should invest in overhangs for their walls. This prevents spiders from scaling the walls and causing problems. Any hostile players in multiplayer servers will have to think twice about ascending the castle ramparts with ladders. Granted, this defense mechanism is far from foolproof, especially against savvier gamers in more hostile servers, but it's a solid investment nonetheless. Moreover, adding overhangs to a wall creates a nice decorative dimension to them, which enhances the visual appeal of the walls as well.
5) Location is essential

It is especially important to ensure the castle has room to be built and expanded, if necessary. Areas such as plains biomes make for excellent building sites, but other biomes can be suitable depending on one's needs. Also, most biomes can be considered acceptable building sites if players are willing to clear out enough land for their castle. Some are just more work-intensive than others.
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