The 1.18 update changed a lot about Minecraft. Spawns, generation, items, frequency, and more received major updates when the second half of the Caves & Cliffs update was released. While all mobs are the same, they did receive a few changes.
The Warden, which was set to debut in this update, was pushed back to version 1.19. Otherwise, it would have been one of the most hostile mobs in the game. As it stands, the following mobs are the most hostile after the update.
Most hostile mobs in Minecraft 1.18 update
5) Witch
The witch doesn't spawn as often as other mobs, but it's one of the most hostile mobs in the game regardless. Witches can be the most dangerous if they're not killed very quickly. If they manage to throw a potion at Minecraft players, they might die very soon. The poison won't kill players instantly but it'll leave them one hit away from death.
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4) Skeletons
Skeletons are one of the most hostile mobs and they're also one of the most dangerous. They have excellent aim and can hit players from a decent range. Minecraft players can get hit while they're fighting other mobs, which can be detrimental. They're not hard to kill, but they'll shoot players with ease from almost anywhere.
3) Phantom
Phantoms are extremely hostile. All players have to do is stay awake for three nights and phantoms will relentlessly attack them. They're somewhat difficult to kill and they will often fly out of nowhere to hit players. At night when there are tons of other mobs around, phantoms can be extremely dangerous.
2) Creeper
The Creeper is one of the most hostile and most frustrating mobs in the game. It will explode when in the range of a player, which can happen at the most inopportune times. Players may not even know it's there until it explodes and destroys everything they've built.

1) Enderman
The Enderman remains the most hostile mob in the game. No other mob will attack players simply for looking at them. It's also one of the most difficult to kill, given its teleportation abilities and other factors. They usually drop great loot, but they're definitely the most hostile mob Minecraft has to offer.
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