Minecraft has two major bosses and an additional third minor boss. The final boss of the game itself is the Ender Dragon. The lord of the Nether itself, the Wither. The immortal protectors of the sea, the Elder Guardians. These boss fights can be very dangerous to players who are unprepared or do not know the patterns of the bosses.
This means that players need to be adequately prepared, so their precious loot isn’t lost to the wrong fight.
Carry these items when taking on Minecraft’s boss mobs
5) Milk

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Players attempting to take down either the Wither or an Elder Guardian will want to bring a few buckets of milk along with them. This might seem like a strange item choice, but milk in Minecraft is beneficial.
The Wither and Elder Guardian inflict debuffs on the player. The Wither inflicts a wither debuff, which deals damage over time, whereas the Elder Guardian inflicts a mining fatigue debuff.
These are major annoyances at the very least and dangerous at the worst. Milk cures all status ailments, making it very useful for attempting to feel these bosses.
4) Infinity bow
Bows are incredibly useful for the game’s two major bosses: the Ender Dragon and the Wither.
Both bosses can fly, meaning bows can deal damage while they are outside of the player’s melee range. Bows are especially useful for the Ender Dragon fight. The arrows can destroy the end crystals that heal the dragon, meaning players can avoid most of the pillaring, which is especially dangerous due to the dragon knocking players around.
Infinity is an enchantment for bows that prevents regular arrows from being consumed when the bow is shot. This means players only need to carry a single arrow with them and not worry about running out of arrows.
3) Potion of Healing
Potions of healing restore health instantly. This is a quicker, more useful effect than eating and waiting for health to regenerate. Potions of healing one restore two hearts instantly, whereas potions of healing level two or higher heal four hearts, which then doubles for every additional level.
2) Potion of Strength

Potions of strength increase the players' melee damage by 1.5 hearts and three hearts for the first level on Java, or 130% on Bedrock.
Potions of strength level two or higher increased the damage for Java players by three hearts and then an additional 1.5 hearts per tier. Bedrock players see an increase in melee damage equal to 260% damage, with an additional 130% per level beyond two.
1) Golden apples (enchanted golden apples)

Golden apples, or, if the player is lucky enough to find one, magical golden apples are some of the best sources of health and healing in all of Minecraft.
Regular golden apples, which can be crafted using nine gold ingots and apples, apply a regeneration of two effects over five seconds. This regeneration amounts to a total of two hearts of healing. It also involves an absorption effect for two minutes. This absorption effect adds two hearts per level to the player for the stated duration.
Enchanted golden apples apply a much larger regeneration effect over 20 seconds (regeneration five for 30 in bedrock). This heals Java players for eight hearts and Bedrock players for a whopping 100 hearts.
The enchanted golden apple also applies an absorption four effect. This means that players gain an extra eight hearts in the two minutes.
Unlike regular golden apples, which only add regeneration and absorption, the enchanted golden apples have two extra effects: resistance and fire resistance.
The fire resistance effect lasts for five minutes and makes players immune to damage from the following:
- Fire
- Blaze fireballs
- Fire charges
- Magma blocks
- Lava
- Flame bows
- Fire aspect swords
This immunity does not apply to ghast fireballs and the blaze’s touch attacks. The fire effect from flame bows and fire aspect swords is nullified, but the damage from the attack is not reduced.
Lastly, these enchanted apples also apply a resistance effect with a potency of one. This effect lasts for five minutes and reduces all incoming damage by 20%. The only exceptions to this reduction are starvation and explosions from creepers and ghast fireballs.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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