Minecraft is all about placing and breaking different blocks to create whatever the player desires. Some blocks, like diamond ores, require them to have specific tools for mining, or else the block will break but not drop as a collectible item.
There are numerous blocks in Minecraft, and some of them are very rare. Most of them can be used in different ways, while others are just for decorative purposes. Below is a list of the five sparsest blocks in-game.
Five most scanty blocks in Minecraft 1.17
5) Deepslate emerald ore

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Like diamonds and iron, users can obtain emeralds from emerald ores. Deepslate emerald ores are a variant of emerald ore that generates in deepslate and tuff blob.
They can be mined using an iron, diamond, or netherite pickaxe. When mined using a pickaxe that has Fortune enchantment, the ore can drop multiple emeralds.
4) Sponge

Sponges are blocks that generate only inside ocean monuments and can be mined very easily. Elder guardians can also drop sponges when killed by players.
When sponges come in contact with water, they absorb it and turn it into a wet sponge in the process. Gamersr can smelt wet sponges in furnaces to convert them into dry ones.
3) Beacon

Beacons are rare because players need a nether star to craft them. To activate a beacon, they need to create a pyramid structure under the beacon using blocks of valuable items such as diamonds and iron.
Once activated, it can grant abilities like haste and strength to those in its range.
2) Dragon head
Gamers can only obtain dragon head from floating End Ships present in some of the End Cities.
Like any other mob head, they can wear it like a helmet or place it on a block. When powered using redstone, the dragon head makes an animation where its mouth opens and closes.
1) Dragon Egg

Dragon egg is the rarest block in the game that generates only once in every world. After players have defeated the Ender Dragon, a dragon egg generates on top of the exit portal.
The egg cannot be mined to collect like a regular block, and if the users try to do so, the egg will teleport to a nearby block.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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