With every major Minecraft update, Mojang introduces new creatures into the sandbox worlds. The Wild Update has finally been released, bringing some new mobs to the game. Players can now discover a total of 73 mob types.
Certain mobs have unique variants which can be a lot rarer to find. For example, players can find an extremely rare spider and chicken jockeys, which can have a below 0.0000001% chance of spawning. However, for this ranking list, jockeys are not considered as there are innumerable variations of jockeys.
The list below considers all the mobs available in Minecraft, including the newly added 1.19 mobs. Without further ado, let's look at the rarest mobs in the game.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's views.
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Minecraft's rarest mobs in 2022 (including 1.19 update)
5) Green frogs
Frogs are one of the newest additions to Minecraft. These cracking mobs are part of the recently released 1.19 update and are loved by the community. As of now, three varieties of frogs are available: orange, white, and green.
Players can find orange and white frogs spawning naturally in swamps and mangrove swamps, respectively. However, green frogs do not spawn naturally, making them somewhat rare. Players can get green frogs only by growing tadpoles in cold biomes.
4) Brown pandas
Pandas are one of the few mobs to have multiple varieties. Pandas can have seven different appearances depending on their personalities: aggressive, lazy, weak, worried, brown, playful, and normal. Brown pandas are the rarest panda variant in the game.
Considering the rarity of pandas in general and how only 5% of naturally spawned pandas are babies, baby brown pandas are probably one of the rarest mobs in Minecraft. Moreover, the baby eventually becomes an adult, meaning players cannot forever have a baby brown panda.
Brown pandas have the same appearance as regular pandas but have brown and white fur instead of black and white fur. They also have a frowning face which looks sad but still adorable.
3) Screaming goats
In Minecraft, there are two variants of goats: normal and screaming. The latter variant has a mere 2% chance of naturally spawning. Unlike pandas, both goat variants have the same appearance, and the only way to differentiate them is through their screams.
Players can easily identify screaming goats from their screams as they are one of the most hilarious sounds in the game. The screaming goat's voice lines seem like a mixture of a goat and a man's screams. Players can find goats spawning in mountain biomes.
2) Brown mooshrooms
Mooshrooms are one of the most interesting creatures in Minecraft. They are found exclusively on rare remote island biomes called mushroom islands. On these islands, players will discover red mooshrooms but no brown mooshrooms.
When a lightning bolt strikes a red mushroom, it turns into a brown mushroom. The chances of this happening naturally are meager. That's why finding a naturally generated brown mushroom is one of the rarest things in the game.
1) Pink sheep

Sheep are one of the most common mobs. Yet, a rare variant of sheep is discovered only by lucky players. A naturally spawned sheep has a lowly 0.1558% chance of having pink wool, whereas a baby sheep has a 0.0082% chance of having pink wool.
Fortunately, it is not necessary to find a pink sheep to get pink wool blocks. Players can turn any wool block into pink by using a pink dye. Any sheep's world color can also be changed to pink with the help of pink dye.
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