The Nether is arguably the most dangerous dimension in Minecraft and can only be accessed by entering a Nether portal. Players can craft a Nether portal by creating a 4x5 rectangle. The portal has to be crafted out of obsidian.
A primary reason for the risks associated with the Nether is the mobs that live there. Many players travel there and don't return as the mobs can be overwhelming.
Several of them deal significant attack damage and can cause fire damage, too.
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Most potent Minecraft mobs found in the Nether
5) Enderman
While Endermen are not known for being Nether mobs, they frequently spawn there. In the Warped Forest, they can be found everywhere.
They have 4.5 attack damage, which takes away a little over two hearts of health. They also teleport, and there's no water to hide in the Nether.
4) Zombified Piglin
Zombified Piglins are neutral mobs, so they won't attack gamers unless provoked. Once they are, though, they attack in swarms and have an attack damage of five.
Four hits from one of these will kill players, so they're not to be messed with.
3) Wither Skeleton
Wither Skeletons also have five attack damage, but they give users the Wither effect. This status effect deals extra damage and can kill, unlike the poison effect.
These mobs will target players as soon as they see them, so they're to be avoided at all costs.
2) Ghast

A Ghast's fireball will deal six attack damage on impact. That's more than most Nether mobs, but the real danger is what happens after that.
It explodes on impact, destroying blocks that can allow lava to pour in. It also lights the Netherrack on fire, which can prove dangerous, too.
1) Piglin Brute
Piglin Brutes' attack damage can vary. In Java Edition, when they are armed (which they usually are), they have seven. In Bedrock, that jumps to 7.5. When unarmed, it drops to four, which is still pretty strong.
Piglin Brutes also attack in numbers, so getting overwhelmed and killed is very easy. They will attack at first sight of a Minecraft gamer, too.
Note: This article reflects the author's opinions.
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