Minecraft's Buzzy Bees update focused on bees and their nests. It added many new blocks and items, like honeycombs, honey bottles, honey blocks, honeycomb blocks, beehives, and bee nests.
Bee Nests are rare blocks that naturally generate as part of oak and birch trees. These blocks have a 5% chance of generating in plains and sunflower plains biome. There is a 2-3% chance of finding bee nests in flower forest biomes and a 0.2-0.035% chance in birch and forest biomes.
Naturally generated bee nests have three bees inside them. Players can shear honey-dripping bee nests to get honeycombs or use empty bottles to get honey bottles. Bee nests also have some hidden facts and features that players may not know.
Bee Nests in Minecraft: 5 things players didn't know
#5 - Players can silk touch on bee nests with bees inside

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If a player mines bee nests with a non-silk-touch tool, bees will start attacking the player. To avoid this situation, use a silk-touch axe or pickaxe to mine a bee nest without provoking bees inside. This way, players can also carry the bees inside the nest.
Players can also complete the "Total Beelocation" achievement by silk touching a bee nest with three bees inside.
#4 - Bee nest are usable as fuel [Bedrock Edition]

Some players may not know that they can use bee nests as fuel. In Minecraft, most wood items are burnable in a furnace. Bee nests also fall in this category. Players can use bee nests for smelting 1.5 items per block.
This feature is exclusive to the bedrock edition and thus, doesn't work in the java edition.
#3 - Use a campfire to force bees out of a bee nest

Place a campfire under a bee nest to force bees out of it. Bees start suffocating from the smoke and leave the nest in Minecraft. After bees move out, players can mine the bee nest without the fear of bees attacking.
Doing this will complete the "Bee Our Guest" achievement.
#2 - Saplings can grow into trees with bee nests

If any flower is at a two-block distance from oak or birch sapling, there is a 5% chance of it growing with a bee nest. This bee nest will also have three bees. Using this feature, players can create bee nest farms in Minecraft.
#1 - Redstone output and honeycomb/honey bottle farming
Bee nest generates a comparator signal depending on its honey level. When a bee nest is filled with honey, it produces a redstone signal of strength five. Players can use comparators to detect honey level and connect the redstone signal to a dispenser filled with shear/bottles.
When the signal strength is five, dispensers will use shear/bottle to get honeycombs/honey bottles. Players can use both beehives and bee nests to create honey farms in Minecraft.
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