The Iron Golem is a mob that can be found or created by players in Minecraft.
Iron Golems are the stalwart protectors of villagers in Minecraft. They will fiercely protect villagers from anyone who would seek to do them harm.
These colossal mobs can deal significant amounts of damage and can withstand taking a bunch of damage as well.
Minecraft players can encounter Iron Golems patrolling villages or can make one of their own with four iron blocks and a carved pumpkin. However, there is much more to Iron Golems than meets the eye.
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This article showcases five unique facts about Iron Golems in Minecraft that players may know about. This includes the different ways they can be made, the fact that they do not take fall damage, and more.
5 things players didn't know about the Iron Golem in Minecraft
#5 - Iron Golems can be constructed in multiple orientations

Iron Golems can be successfully assembled in a handful of different ways. Minecraft players can assemble them flat on the ground, in the typical T formation, or even upside down.
Minecraft players need four iron blocks and a carved pumpkin or jack o'lantern to make their own iron bodyguard. Minecraft Bedrock players can also use pumpkin in lieu of a carved pumpkin or jack o'lantern.
Fun Fact: Iron Golems, like the other constructed mobs in Minecraft, will always spawn into the game facing south.
#4 - Iron Golems can sometimes be found captured near Pillager Outposts

Iron Golems are colossal and powerful. However, they can be overwhelmed and fall prey to dangerous illager mobs from time to time. When Minecraft players encounter pillager outposts, there is a chance that they may find a dark oak cage nearby.
Imprisoned Iron Golems can be found locked up inside of these cages but can be set free by Minecraft players.
When a player frees an Iron Golem, they will come to the immediate aid of the player who freed them and will wreak havoc on the pillagers who locked them.
#3 - Iron Golems can offer a poppy to villagers

When an Iron Golem is on a patrol of their village, they can sometimes spawn a poppy directly into their hand. These mobs will then offer the flower to nearby villagers, particularly baby villagers.
Iron Golems offering poppies to villagers is a reference to the animated film "Laputa: Castle in the Sky" by Hayao Miyazaki, where ancient robots do a very similar thing.
#2 - The Looting Enchantment has no effect on Iron Golems

Mojang anticipated that players would likely attempt to farm Iron Golems for the iron ingots that they drop. To combat this, they made it so that Iron Golems are completely unaffected by the Looting enchantment.
If a Minecraft player kills an Iron Golem with a weapon that is enchanted by Looting, the enchant will not increase the number of iron ingots or poppies that are dropped.
Of course, clever Minecraft players have found ways around this, such as the farm found here. However, the fact remains that the Looting enchantment will not increase the number of iron ingots received when Iron Golems are killed.
#1 - Iron Golems do not take fall or drowning damage

Iron Golems are completely immune to taking damaging from falling or drowning. This means that they can fall from extreme heights or stay underwater for days without fear of ever dying.
On top of their massive health pool, this feature makes Iron Golems one of the most resilient mobs in all of Minecraft.
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