Most Minecraft players know how to make a Nether Portal, but most are unaware of its mechanics.
Due to the scarcity of Obsidian, most players resort to making a boring ol' default portal. However, with some patience and time, they can transform their portals into pieces of art.
Here are some ways to do just that!
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5 unknown facts about Nether Portals in Minecraft

#1 - No corners needed!
Nether Portals do not require corners to be portal compatible (see above). This means that for the smallest version of a portal, players will only need ten obsidian blocks. This is great for players who are short on time or resources.

#2 - One size doesn't fit all!
Most players don't realize that they can build bigger portals than the one shown above. Portals have a max size of 23x23 blocks, which means they can get quite large!
This is great for players with an artistic side who want to have a grand entrance to the Nether. While certainly more expensive to build than the default portal, for some, the beauty and awe of a massive portal are worth it!

#3 - Prepare!
Players must beware that once inside the Nether, the portal can be destroyed in countless scenarios. More commonly, a ghast will shoot a fireball at the player and accidentally hit the portal, destroying it.
To prevent this highly unfortunate scenario from trapping the player in the Nether, they are advised to bring a Flint and Steel with them. This way, if the portal gets destroyed, players can instantly respawn it and flee.
In addition to the Flint and Steel, players traveling into the Nether are recommended to bring ten spare Obsidian blocks in case they lose their original portal.

#4 - Teleport friends and pets!
Most Minecraft players are unaware that many mobs and methods of transportation can use the portal. Here is a list of things able to teleport:
- All mobs (except the Wither and Ender Dragon)
- Thrown items
- Transportation (Minecarts or boats) WITHOUT passengers
- Storage minecarts
- Powered minecarts
In the case of minecarts, players can make an interdimensional railway, funneling goods from the Overworld to the Nether. If they attempt to ride a minecart into a portal, they will fail.

#5 - Pig Friends!
Most players are unaware that there is a chance for a Zombified Piglin to spawn in their Overworld portals.
If they have ever spotted a Piglin in their base of operations, this explains everything! If any of the Nether Portal blocks receive a block tick, a Piglin will spawn.

Piglins have a low chance of spawning on easy mode, twice that chance on normal, and three times that chance on hard. This is a fun little feature that can scare unaware players!
Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.
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